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Holiday Raffle-- Congratulations Kazuko!

Alright, I Just thought of this awesome idea :P <br><br>Since it's close to the holidays, I thought I would start a raffle. If you read more, this will make more sense. I am thinking about doing this because I thought this would be fun.<br><br>I will be donating a couple of things to this raffle, it's a plain and simple one, I will have a box-like thing/bag and I will put all of your names in there, and whoever's name I draw gets the whole package. This is supposed to be a BIG raffle, not a little one. So, here are the rules.<br><br>Rules<br>-must be more than 10 people for this raffle to go on (so if there isn't time by the ending date, the raffle will be extended).<br>-Each raffle ticket is 10k. There is no limit on how many raffle tickets you can have.<br>-Half of the money proceeds to the raffle, one fourth will be divided up between the people that donate, and the other one-fourth will go to a deserving novice in need of money :). (This will be at the end before the person is drawn).<br>-Everyone who enters <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">must</span></span> donate atleast one thing.<br>-It doesn't matter how big you donate, any little something helps ;)<br>-Anyone may enter (Novices, Sponsors, Ops, ect.) and all are encouraged to enter! :D<br><br>ehh, i'll add more rules later when I have time xD<br><br>Anyways, here's an <span style="color:red">example</span> of how this event will be: Say Betty starts a raffle. She gives 10k towards the raffle. Then her friend's Nancy and Bob enter also. Nancy gives another 10k and Bob gives some of his art. yaddah yaddah yaddah. The name is drawn, and it is Nancy who wins, she gets 20k and a free drawing.<br><br>I will not be in the raffle, however I will be donating some things here and there so that I can contribute. I may upgrade my gifts during the raffle session, so look out!<br><br>Please, fill out this form when you are entering: <br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">In Game Name</span>:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kennel Link</span>:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">I am Donating</span>: <br><span style="font-weight:bold">How Many Tickets</span>:
<br><br>Donaters:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ruffian</span>: 1.5mil<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Bobcat</span>: 2 pro banners<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rosy</span>: 250k<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ludie</span>: 2 oak gifty and two free banners<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Hose-Frog-Pickle</span>:1mil<br><span style="font-weight:bold">rohesia</span>: 2mil<br><span style="font-weight:bold">knfan</span>: 1mil<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kazuko</span>: Breed art set<br><span style="font-weight:bold">doggybones3000</span>: 150k and 2 skill maxes<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Aziu</span>: 9x4 Nuetered Trophy pup<br><span style="font-weight:bold">loko</span>: Two fully trained showdogs<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Soccer17MVP</span>:A national level dog, and a 10x4 pointer <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kesra</span>: One line-art of any dog breed <br><span style="font-weight:bold">snowjo</span>: 1 mill, 2 skill and stat maxings w. agro, & <br><span style="font-weight:bold">moseley</span>: 100k<br><br><br>Tickets:<br>Bobcat- 10 tickets - 100k (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>Rosy- 5 tickets - 50k (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>Ludie- 20 tickets - 200k (not paid)<br>Hose-Frog-Pickle-150 tickets- 1,500,000mil (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>rohesia- 200 tickets- 2,000,000mil (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>knfan- 150 tickets- 1,500,000mil (<span style="color:red">paid</span>) <br>Kazuko- 100 tickets- 1,000,000mil (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>doggybones3000- 10 tickets- 100k (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>Aziu- 100 tickets- 1,000,000mil (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>loko- 100 tickets- 1,000,000mil (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>Soccer17MVP- 100 tickets- 1,000,000mil (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>Da Player- 5 tickets- 50k (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>Kesra- 100 tickets - 1,000,000 (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>snowjo- 400 tickets - 4,000,000 (<span style="color:red">paid</span>)<br>moseley- 3 tickets- 30k (not paid)<br><br>Just a little note to myself: Rohesia- donated an extra 4mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ending date</span>: Dec. 28th<br><br>Please send all ticket charges to Nightyfall<br><br>Come one, Come all, and let's make this one of the biggest raffles ever!<br><br><span style="font-size:75">Note: This is entended to be fun ;D</span>


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