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I'm Getting a Bunny! :D



  • Boz, I forgot to ask what breed Rémi was. Do you have a slight idea at all?
  • Marley makes likes to through around her toys. I'll be up at the computer and all of a sudden there will be a bunch of racket coming from under me. It's so funny. XD<br><br>I can't remember the name... I'll look. But Oxbow food is good! It can be hard to find though. I'd feed it but it's like a 5 lbs bag for $10 here. I have 3 rabbits, one which eats a 3/4 cups of pellets a day. I go through a total of 1 1/4 cup a day of pellets between all my rabbits. xD It would get expensive for me. Although... That's not so bad... I don't go through as much as I did when Marley was young and was fed freely. (I was going through at least a cup of food a day with JUST her!)<br><br>I'm not sure on his breed, but it looks familiar. Do you know how old he is?<br>What are you using for his litter box? What type of hay are you feeding? :3
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • I'm feeding him 'Timothy Hay'.<br>I forgot to ask how old he was Dx I'm so irresponsible! DX<br><br>We're using the hay and shavings for his litterbox. He seems to poop all over the timothy hay anyhow xD
  • I'm feeding him 'Timothy Hay'.<br>I forgot to ask how old he was Dx I'm so irresponsible! DX<br><br>We're using the hay and shavings for his litterbox. He seems to poop all over the timothy hay anyhow xD
    <br><br>Okay that's the good hay. XD<br>Alfalfa is good too, if he's a baby. Adults don't do so well on it.<br><br>Dolla and Domino's litter box is Newspaper on the bottom, a layer of pellet litter and then a bunch of hay. They poo and wee right on it. I just give them fresh hay daily in their little "perch" as I call it and add a little to the corner of the litter box. Marley has hers on her shelf because she's got wire "bottom" on her litter box. And if she doesn't have the wire she'll dig in it. X.x She only goes in it to poo anyway. XD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • :) He's a lot better with me now. He'll let me flip him on his back and stuff now, too.
  • Aw, lucky Ludie :]<br>I really want a bunny...but my parents are of course, strict. :(
  • Meeple wrote:
    Aw, lucky Ludie :]<br>I really want a bunny...but my parents are of course, strict. :(
    <br><br>So are mine ;)<br>Why aren't you allowed to have one?
  • Well, I already have two kitties and tons of fish.<br>And my mom doesn't want to take care of any other animals, even though I've told her I could take care of it :/
  • That's how my mom was. But I think she's come to realize I take care of my animals.<br><br>My parents never do ANY cleaning up after the rabbits or gerbils. They do take care of my dog though. xD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Boz wrote:
    That's how my mom was. But I think she's come to realize I take care of my animals.<br><br>My parents never do ANY cleaning up after the rabbits or gerbils. They do take care of my dog though. xD
    <br><br>Yeah, my Grandpa takes care of mine xD Lol. But my bunny is all in my hands ;)<br>My Grandpa bought the dog when I was five, so I couldn't really look after her anyhow. I've only just started to gain a REAL bond with her around two years ago! So, I guess she's mine and my Grandpa's dog... :)
  • Rabbits are not too hard to take care of. So you should be fine! :P<br>Oh and what brand of food do you have? -bugs- xD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Boz wrote:
    Rabbits are not too hard to take care of. So you should be fine! :P<br>Oh and what brand of food do you have? -bugs- xD
    <br><br>:P I told you already!!<br>It's Hartz. xD
  • Boz wrote:
    Rabbits are not too hard to take care of. So you should be fine! :P<br>Oh and what brand of food do you have? -bugs- xD
    <br><br>:P I told you already!!<br>It's Hartz. xD
    <br><br>oh right. xD<br>What's the protein %? (that's what I ment to ask! XD)<br><br>Do you have more pictures of your bunny?! I want to see more! He's such a cutie! :3
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • <span style="font-size:92">Crude Protein [Minimal Amount]: %17.0.... is that good or bad? xD<br><br>Pickies!!:<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>In his little hideout.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Remi's cage, before I put the edible timothy hay in... the rest is in his litterbox xD<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br></span>
  • <span style="font-size:92">And Bozzy, is it normal for a rabbit to sneeze a lot? He's been really snuffly! I'm somewhat worried knowing that rabbits cannot get a cold... :(<br><br>Should I take him to the vet?<br><br>He's wiping his nose somtimes, but not constantly...</span>
  • hehe he's so adorable! ^_^'<br><br>Well the sneezing could be a couple of things.<br><br>1) What type of litter is he using? (is it pine?)<br>2) What brand of hay does he have?<br><br><br>Oh and I'd put a lot more hay in there. Bunnies should eat a lot of hay. It helps keep there digestive tract moving well. :3 <br>My rabbits are fed morning and night. They usually eat their pellets all at once (1/8 cup for Domino and Dolla and 1/2 cup for Marley) and then they have unlimited amount of hay so they can eat it in between feedings.<br><br>The reason why hay is important is because rabbits are herbivores. Hay provides a lot of fiber which rabbits need. Too much protein and not enough fiber can lead to digestive tract problems. :/
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Boz wrote:
    hehe he's so adorable! ^_^'<br><br>Well the sneezing could be a couple of things.<br><br>1) What type of litter is he using? (is it pine?)<br>2) What brand of hay does he have?<br><br><br>Oh and I'd put a lot more hay in there. Bunnies should eat a lot of hay. It helps keep there digestive tract moving well. :3 <br>My rabbits are fed morning and night. They usually eat their pellets all at once (1/8 cup for Domino and Dolla and 1/2 cup for Marley) and then they have unlimited amount of hay so they can eat it in between feedings.<br><br>The reason why hay is important is because rabbits are herbivores. Hay provides a lot of fiber which rabbits need. Too much protein and not enough fiber can lead to digestive tract problems. :/
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">Yeah, I've been putting an unlimited amount in there... I was just finished cleaning his cage with the pictures, that's all ;)<br><br>And his litter isn't pine... I don't think... xD Lemme check... OH! It is!!!<br>His hay is timothy hay. I've been feeding him morning and night also, and he's got special treat-sticks with seeds and such on them, and treats that are stuffed with protein! :D<br><br>I've been taking him out a lot and interacting him, too. He's been fine but now he's all nazelly-sounding and stuffed up in his nose and doesn't want to play as much :?</span>
  • Boz wrote:
    hehe he's so adorable! ^_^'<br><br>Well the sneezing could be a couple of things.<br><br>1) What type of litter is he using? (is it pine?)<br>2) What brand of hay does he have?<br><br><br>Oh and I'd put a lot more hay in there. Bunnies should eat a lot of hay. It helps keep there digestive tract moving well. :3 <br>My rabbits are fed morning and night. They usually eat their pellets all at once (1/8 cup for Domino and Dolla and 1/2 cup for Marley) and then they have unlimited amount of hay so they can eat it in between feedings.<br><br>The reason why hay is important is because rabbits are herbivores. Hay provides a lot of fiber which rabbits need. Too much protein and not enough fiber can lead to digestive tract problems. :/
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">Yeah, I've been putting an unlimited amount in there... I was just finished cleaning his cage with the pictures, that's all ;)<br><br>And his litter isn't pine... I don't think... xD Lemme check... OH! It is!!!<br>His hay is timothy hay. I've been feeding him morning and night also, and he's got special treat-sticks with seeds and such on them, and treats that are stuffed with protein! :D<br><br>I've been taking him out a lot and interacting him, too. He's been fine but now he's all nazelly-sounding and stuffed up in his nose and doesn't want to play as much :?</span>
    <br><br>Too much protein is bad. XD and those treat sticks are like candy. xD I don't feed them because they are full of sugar. What the protein % in his food? (it should say on the back)<br>Is this the food your giving him?<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... _food.aspx</a><br><br>What <span style="font-style:italic">brand </span>of hay does he have? I noticed Kaytee is SUPER dusty. I had to get that once for my rabbits and two of them were sneezing a lot.<br><br>Also, the pine litter could be causing allergies making his sneeze. The aromatic oils in pine and cedar bedding/litter are toxic to small animals. I'd get Aspen litter. Aspen doesn't contain those harmful aromatic oils.
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Boz wrote:
    Boz wrote:
    hehe he's so adorable! ^_^'<br><br>Well the sneezing could be a couple of things.<br><br>1) What type of litter is he using? (is it pine?)<br>2) What brand of hay does he have?<br><br><br>Oh and I'd put a lot more hay in there. Bunnies should eat a lot of hay. It helps keep there digestive tract moving well. :3 <br>My rabbits are fed morning and night. They usually eat their pellets all at once (1/8 cup for Domino and Dolla and 1/2 cup for Marley) and then they have unlimited amount of hay so they can eat it in between feedings.<br><br>The reason why hay is important is because rabbits are herbivores. Hay provides a lot of fiber which rabbits need. Too much protein and not enough fiber can lead to digestive tract problems. :/
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">Yeah, I've been putting an unlimited amount in there... I was just finished cleaning his cage with the pictures, that's all ;)<br><br>And his litter isn't pine... I don't think... xD Lemme check... OH! It is!!!<br>His hay is timothy hay. I've been feeding him morning and night also, and he's got special treat-sticks with seeds and such on them, and treats that are stuffed with protein! :D<br><br>I've been taking him out a lot and interacting him, too. He's been fine but now he's all nazelly-sounding and stuffed up in his nose and doesn't want to play as much :?</span>
    <br><br>Too much protein is bad. XD and those treat sticks are like candy. xD I don't feed them because they are full of sugar. What the protein % in his food? (it should say on the back)<br>Is this the food your giving him?<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... _food.aspx</a><br><br>What <span style="font-style:italic">brand </span>of hay does he have? I noticed Kaytee is SUPER dusty. I had to get that once for my rabbits and two of them were sneezing a lot.<br><br>Also, the pine litter could be causing allergies making his sneeze. The aromatic oils in pine and cedar bedding/litter are toxic to small animals. I'd get Aspen litter. Aspen doesn't contain those harmful aromatic oils.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">I'll buy Aspen the next time I go shopping then ;)<br><br>And I really don't know if it's chalked with protein xD The TREATS say %13.0 and I only give him about three per day. And the FOOD says %17.0... The bag of food your picture shows looks somewhat the same ;)<br><br>I don't know what brand the hay is, but we bought a big $32 box of it that'll last a bit. Petland said they don't normally sell those big boxes, and if they did, it'd only be a few, like, ten... the box says nothing on it. It's just a big, brown box... >.o</span>
  • Boz wrote:
    Boz wrote:
    hehe he's so adorable! ^_^'<br><br>Well the sneezing could be a couple of things.<br><br>1) What type of litter is he using? (is it pine?)<br>2) What brand of hay does he have?<br><br><br>Oh and I'd put a lot more hay in there. Bunnies should eat a lot of hay. It helps keep there digestive tract moving well. :3 <br>My rabbits are fed morning and night. They usually eat their pellets all at once (1/8 cup for Domino and Dolla and 1/2 cup for Marley) and then they have unlimited amount of hay so they can eat it in between feedings.<br><br>The reason why hay is important is because rabbits are herbivores. Hay provides a lot of fiber which rabbits need. Too much protein and not enough fiber can lead to digestive tract problems. :/
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">Yeah, I've been putting an unlimited amount in there... I was just finished cleaning his cage with the pictures, that's all ;)<br><br>And his litter isn't pine... I don't think... xD Lemme check... OH! It is!!!<br>His hay is timothy hay. I've been feeding him morning and night also, and he's got special treat-sticks with seeds and such on them, and treats that are stuffed with protein! :D<br><br>I've been taking him out a lot and interacting him, too. He's been fine but now he's all nazelly-sounding and stuffed up in his nose and doesn't want to play as much :?</span>
    <br><br>How much sugar is in the treats though? XD<br><br>Too much protein is bad. XD and those treat sticks are like candy. xD I don't feed them because they are full of sugar. What the protein % in his food? (it should say on the back)<br>Is this the food your giving him?<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... _food.aspx</a><br><br>What <span style="font-style:italic">brand </span>of hay does he have? I noticed Kaytee is SUPER dusty. I had to get that once for my rabbits and two of them were sneezing a lot.<br><br>Also, the pine litter could be causing allergies making his sneeze. The aromatic oils in pine and cedar bedding/litter are toxic to small animals. I'd get Aspen litter. Aspen doesn't contain those harmful aromatic oils.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">I'll buy Aspen the next time I go shopping then ;)<br><br>And I really don't know if it's chalked with protein xD The TREATS say %13.0 and I only give him about three per day. And the FOOD says %17.0... The bag of food your picture shows looks somewhat the same ;)<br><br>I don't know what brand the hay is, but we bought a big $32 box of it that'll last a bit. Petland said they don't normally sell those big boxes, and if they did, it'd only be a few, like, ten... the box says nothing on it. It's just a big, brown box... >.o</span>
    <br><br>%17 I'd say is like at least a %1 too high. I know it doesn't seem too high but it really can effect it. I totally suggest this food in the links below. It's loved by many rabbit owners. xD<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... atid=16618</a><br><a href=";jsessionid=9DA882FAE2F64AD818611626E746D924.vipa-02a?node=1519"; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ?node=1519</a><br><br>It's seems expensive but you only have one rabbit and he probably should only eat like a half a cup of food a day anyway (probably less).<br><br>There's so much to rabbit care. XD My rabbits are more work then my dog! XD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
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