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Peektures =P

edited October 2008 in Artist Alley
<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -102125205</a><br>Can you spell creative =D?<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -102125320</a><br>I won! I won! I won! I... got 8th?<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -102125749</a><br>God knows what the hell I did to do this,but whatever it was looked cool!<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -102115858</a><br>Some focusing issues, but I think it's pretty =]<br>Feel free to check out Necklaces I through V and VII through X also XD<br><br>I'm looking for harsh critque, here, people. But don't make me cry, please XD<br><br>Mine.NoTouching.


  • VERY cool. The lasy one caught my attention BIG time.<br>You like photography? I LOVE it!<br>I'm going to start up a freewebs website on my pictures ^^<br><br>You know, just a place to dump them and let other people see!
  • lmao, with the ribbons...were you excited to get a new color? xD<br><br><br>With agility, I have all blue ribbons and have been dying for a different color *like first place is a bad thing xD* So, I finally got a red one due to an error... and I kept it :lol: <br><br><br>Nice photos ^^ I love photography
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • lmao, with the ribbons...were you excited to get a new color? xD<br><br><br>With agility, I have all blue ribbons and have been dying for a different color *like first place is a bad thing xD* So, I finally got a red one due to an error... and I kept it :lol: <br><br><br>Nice photos ^^ I love photography
    <br>Yes I had all the color except purple and brown, (7th & 8th) and I got one of each this year (but both were in classes of like, 11) I was very excited for the purple (my favortie color), not so much for the brown XD<br><br>Thank You!
  • Well done :] I like the last one best.
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