I am so adictid to V.P, My mom was bugging me to take a shower and wash my hair and i didint want to beacuse i did not want to miss anyone online. Ah its so not fun lol.<br><br>Other signs i am addictid<br><br>I spend about 10 hours a week on V.P<br><br>I put asside Homework beacuse of V.P<br><br>I annoye my parents and freinds beacuse i talk to much about V.P <br><br>I scream and jump up and down when i get a 10x4 and my mom looks at me like i am crazy<br><br>Anyone want to share any stories

<br><br>Its about time we admite
We strive to breed nd show Good Deerhounds in Conformation nd Showmanship
MSG me for any info
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.