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So adictid to V.P

edited November 2008 in General Discussion
I am so adictid to V.P, My mom was bugging me to take a shower and wash my hair and i didint want to beacuse i did not want to miss anyone online. Ah its so not fun lol.<br><br>Other signs i am addictid<br><br>I spend about 10 hours a week on V.P<br><br>I put asside Homework beacuse of V.P<br><br>I annoye my parents and freinds beacuse i talk to much about V.P <br><br>I scream and jump up and down when i get a 10x4 and my mom looks at me like i am crazy<br><br>Anyone want to share any stories :lol: <br><br>Its about time we admite




  • i used to be that way...
  • im still kinda new to VP again nd the forums, but i really wanna start a breeding program nd im extreamly excited about it :D so yea im loving it :)
    SBK Kennels Home of Kirabel Deerhounds
    We strive to breed nd show Good Deerhounds in Conformation nd Showmanship
    MSG me for any info
  • Psh, ten hours? I've spent a good... 75 hours on the comp a week. I once stayed up till 4am breeding, and another time I stayed up 24 hours online
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Current Online Timer: 368:21.46<br><br>368 hours. That is. 15.3 days. <br><br>So in the last 90 days of my life, for 15 of those I have been online. lmao. <br><br>I am officially the chat queen!! =D
  • today ive been on vp for 7 hours. non stop... and not tiring :) im on vp proably about 30 hours a week. lol :D
    Dunkey Champions
  • aha here's my timer: 935:59:01
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • OMG and i thought i was crazy well now that i am training kennel i will probly be on more often


  • Heheheh when I'm at my dad's house, I'm on VP for at least 14 hours a day usually xD<br><br>Used to be more but I'm trying to actually live life, rather than stare at the comp screen all day xD
  • The first step is admitting it,<br>now it's just a question if you want to want to limit your INTAKE or not.<br><br>I used to be literally addicted to it but I left for a year from it,<br>and now I'm back on it and still have to be careful, since there is<br>so much to do and stuff. It's crazy stuff, but helps you learn self-<br>discipline and rationing.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <span style="font-size:92">I'm addicted. Mostly just the people, I love. xD But the game is amazing. I actually train now. ;D So I'm better at playing the game now, at least, instead of sitting on the forums and chat. I'm almost always on once a day, in the summer I usually stay on until at least 4 am on comp. From that, when I wake up, which is usually late in the day, I usually would get on until 4am and get off rarely. xD I have no life. rofl. But I'm perfectly okay with that. Kinda.. At least I get out and hang out with friends. :3 On the weekends..yeah. XD My record on comp is prolly 24 hours or more. Would be longer, but, eh, my mom doesn't like me on all the time and I have sisters that like the comp XD</span>
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