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Halloween costume help

edited October 2008 in General Discussion
what should i be for halloween?


  • lol. toliet paper for mummy... or just bandages :)
    Dunkey Champions
  • :? hmm.... how about using the Andrex type, with the litte dog patterns on it... could be a royal mummy dog..
    Dunkey Champions
  • :?: :?: :?: :?:
  • hehehe Andrex tissue is cute! I dunno about costume though hon... why not be some celebrity? Im being Siouxsie Sioux just because its original easy and I enjoy backcombing my hair entirely too much.. hehehe.

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • Pfft I'm not allowed to dress up at work. Working with horses can be such a party pooper lol. Me and a friend are gonna wear devils horns tonight at wor though. :)
  • hahaha aww poor Mashivak... I dont have to worry about a job at the moment so I can wear my costume alllll day hehehe. Or at least I can if the teachers dont raise an eyebrow to fishnets. They havent said no but they havent said yes either.

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
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