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*hehe* you're obsessed with twilight

edited October 2008 in General Discussion
when you are memorizing words that are like the cullens... like one of them was SULLEN, and so i immediately thought of CULLEN! the SULLEN CULLENS!<br><br>and then in science, we were watching a video. this guy had bags under his eyes *ick* and everyone was like, VAMPIRE! i was like VAMPIRES ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE EDWARD!<br><br>and then on the way home, we saw a rabbit. :D like, the car. i go, JACOB DRIVES ONE OF THOSE! and my dad is like o.O ? I'm like, Its from my book.. :D <br><br>haha. thats how my day went.<br><br>ANDDD! we've had problems with skunks and opossums our whole life, and we got a trap last Christmas, so we used it! we caught our little opossum friend, and we WERE gonna shoot it, but i persuaded them to taking it to some strange river, never to be seen again. MUAHAHA! i kinda wanna keep it though! its so cute! lol. a pet opossum. that would be snadical, don't you think?<br><br>has anyone else come across these jubilees? XD


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