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Sooo happy

edited October 2008 in General Discussion
I am so happy right now. I won a Sponcer Kennel, by Zoe. I was nominated by Parker. Thanks a millon<br><br><br>I am so happy and in chock, I didint ever think i would win a Sponcer Kennel and realie i didint care all i cared about was having fun and playing the game the best i could. <br><br>I am so happy and i am excited about getting a Sponcer Kennel, now i need to chose wich kind of kennel i want.<br><br>andy suggestion and say why?<br><br>Thanks a millon again Parker & Zoe <br><br>and dont woory i will still be the same player excepte now i will have a Sponcer Kennel<br><br>So who wants to celeberte<br><br>Its celebration time come on. I am doing a happy dance<br><br>But now i need to calm down lol :D :D :D




  • <span style="color:darkred">That`s great! I am so happy for you! Do you have any ideas as to what kind of kennel you want?</span>
  • Thank you thank you lol<br><br>Well i kind of want a Rescue or a traing or a breeding Gr.. so hard to decide lol


  • <span style="color:darkred">:lol: Well if you have alot of good dogs to bred & such become a breeder. But training is also very good (being able to train your dogs, other players dogs for money)<br>And rescue is good cuz sometimes you can rescue some decent dogs lol plus you are helping to empty unused accounts</span>
  • yah lol i kind of want to become a Rescue


  • <span style="color:darkred">Being a rescue is fun (I was one before lol) & if thats what you want go for it. If you ever change your mind you can</span>
  • yep i know that now i wish it could happen now but i will have to be patient<br><br><br>i am so not right now


  • <span style="color:darkred"> :lol: when do you get it?</span>
  • i dont know i was told to contact Zoe for more info and she is not on so i dont know lol


  • Bump no one else happy for me :(


  • Personally A training kennel is one of the better starting kennels.<br><br>Do no get a breeding, as most make hardly any money from them, and you can look up people such as my self who offer free/super cheep breeding. <br><br>I've never had a suspenseful rescue kennel, so unless you are like tarn and go gifty stalking all the time you may not make much cash.<br><br>Boarding kennels are nice for secondary kennels. Best for players who have a breeding/training as their main kennel.<br><br>Pedigree/clubs are best for last. <br><br>'nuff said
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • humm i will think about it lol


  • Congratulations. :D <br><br><br>&& I'd go with training.<br>Training is the most profitable kennel type there is.<br> -People are always looking for training<br> -People will pay well for training<br> -You can also train your own dogs to cut down on the price of paying someone else to do it<br><br>Disadvantages of the Others<br> -Prestige<br> -Very little income<br> -Not much to do<br> -Breeding<br> -Very little income<br> -Most people don't look for sponsor breeders<br> -Boarding<br> -Absolutely nothing to do other than click a button<br> -It's really hard to get people to board at your kennel.<br> -Rescue<br> -Very time consuming<br> -Requires paying a lot of attention<br> -Also requires organization or you will have a rescue full of hundreds of useless dogs in no time.
  • yah but training where do i put my dogs


  • when you are a sponsor you can have more then 1 kennel including novices so you can lease/sell them to those kennels or bored them. I used to lease them to my novice kennels. I no longer have a training but would defiantly love to have one.
  • 8988 wrote:
    yah but training where do i put my dogs
    <br><br>With one sponsor you can have nine or ten extra novice accounts. :]
  • 8988 wrote:
    yah but training where do i put my dogs
    <br><br>Board them (advise able only if you have a few dogs, and you don't want to shuffle them about) <br><br>or make up to 9 novice accounts (at 20 dogs each you can max out at 180 slots to stuff dogs in)
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
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