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winners Winners WINNERS announced ;)

<span style="color:blue">M'kay, 1 entry short but i'm sure everyone is ready for this to end ;) <br>The winning number is 8 which is my favorite number.<br><br>1st place: Kesra with the number 4<br>2nd place: Erica and lovefrompaige tie with numbers 3 and 13<br>3rd place: spikes with the number 1 Prize Collected<br><br>Hats off to being able to pull a number out of your... hat. <br>Send negative contracts to Nutty McQuackedOut for the amount you won. <br>PM me at the same kennel name and let me know your forum name so we don't have any misunderstandings.<br>All participants get one free breeding at my kennel if wanted. Go ahead and send brood and stud/stud fee w/link. PM me your forum names also, as I'm oblivous as to who is who if your name isn't the same at your kennel and on the forum. <br><br>Everyone has 6 days from today (today being Tuesday, 10/14/08 ) to collect their prizes, so hurry!</span><br><br>Pick a number between 1 and 1 Million.<br>The person closest to the correct number wins 10M.<br>I need a volunteer to share the winning number with, obviously this person won't be able to play. <span style="color:red">Tiffer </span> was the first volunteer to volunteer, so she's it lol.<br>Will run until there are 30 contestants or someone guesses the number on the dot.<br>One entry per person.<br>Your forum profile must be at least a month old for you to enter.<br><br>So... <br>1st Place= 10M<br>2nd Place= 4M<br>3rd Place=1M<br><br><br>Current entries, and thanks a lot to loveandpace :lol: <br><br>1 spikes <br>3 Erica <br>4 Kesra <br>400 Boz <br>6,246 RacerFastRosy <br>55,555 a-sap <br>86,326 Frapple <br>123,456 Lovey <br>222,222 xactly <br>237,130 Sylverwynd <br>250,000 Loko <br>300,000 Ryder1 <br>321,123 Dunkey1 <br>389,496 Steph <br>402,673 oats <br>500,000 Kazuko <br>546,982 Meeko <br>555,666 Ludie <br>579,779 Soccer17MVP <br>768,592 PishPosh <br>768,593 Parker <br>600,127 Pride21 <br>999,999 jazzy 197 <br>800,000 dachshund girl :!: :!: :evil:
It's just life. You'll get over it.


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