<img src="
http://i36.tinypic.com/vwwk04.png" alt="
http://i36.tinypic.com/vwwk04.png" class="bb-image" /><br>Okay, so me and Moss have been making some adoptables. ^_^ <br>We're going to run a free site where you can adopt them, but right now, we are just in a hassle to get the site ready. xD <br><br>So, in the meantime, we'll just sell them on the forums. ^_^ <br>*These were sketched by me, then linearted by Moss, and colored by BOTH me and Moss. :] OH! But the foals were sketched by Moss. ^_^ <br>Once the website is up and running we will hopefully be able to make the adoptables grow, but until then images will be hosted on tinypic and will not age. We currently have three templates done (one foal, one young adult and one adult) and at the moment are selling recolours of those. We will have custom linearts eventually, but they will be more expensive and there will be fewer slots open for them. <br><br>So basically, at the moment we’re just selling pixel horses

When you order you can choose if you would just like your horse in one stage, or all three stages. It’s up to you, though if you choose multiple stages it would be preferable if you were to pay more than if you’d ordered a single stage one. <br><br><img src="
http://i34.tinypic.com/30hubld.jpg" alt="
http://i34.tinypic.com/30hubld.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br>- Please don't claim you made them, because you didn't. :] <br>- You may use these on any website you want.<br>- You may put the image on a banner if you’d like, but under NO circumstances are you to remove our copyright. <br><br><img src="
http://i36.tinypic.com/egpmco.png" alt="
http://i36.tinypic.com/egpmco.png" class="bb-image" /><br>Foal <br><img src="
http://i33.tinypic.com/2nbveyr.png" alt="
http://i33.tinypic.com/2nbveyr.png" class="bb-image" /><br>Teen <br>Non-transparent<br><img src="
http://i34.tinypic.com/21afeqv.png" alt="
http://i34.tinypic.com/21afeqv.png" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Transparent<br><img src="
http://i38.tinypic.com/2u89xm1.png" alt="
http://i38.tinypic.com/2u89xm1.png" class="bb-image" /><br>Adult <br><img src="
http://i33.tinypic.com/4sd0yr.png" alt="
http://i33.tinypic.com/4sd0yr.png" class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>Yours will look like that, only in a different colour of course

<br><br>We can do whatever markings you want, like this one of Blueys fursona.<br><br>We will eventually have custom linearty ones too (not open at the moment). This is a single stage one with a background. <br><img src="
http://i34.tinypic.com/2lwol5k.jpg" alt="
http://i34.tinypic.com/2lwol5k.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br>- Moss's fursona <br><br>Please DO NOT steal them. >__< <br>I CAN'T stress that enough.

<br><br><br><img src="
http://i34.tinypic.com/29ej2p2.png" alt="
http://i34.tinypic.com/29ej2p2.png" class="bb-image" /><br>500k+ please. :] It’s pretty much a pick your price thing, and as long as it’s reasonably you’re welcome to choose a price after you’ve seen the picture. We will give a discount if you purchase multiple Blue Moss Horses. <br><br><img src="
http://i37.tinypic.com/14tovab.png" alt="
http://i37.tinypic.com/14tovab.png" class="bb-image" /><br>
<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Stages:[b] <br>[b]Base Color:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Marking Color:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Image Size:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Background Color:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Designs/Markings?:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Price:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Any Text? [Keep it small please]:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Other?:</span> <br>
<br>If you have any questions please fire away.<br>Thank ya. ;D <br><br>-Bluey & Moss. <br><br>OH! <br>And only 3 people at a time please. ^_^ <br><br><img src="
http://i38.tinypic.com/2dj2ykz.png" alt="
http://i38.tinypic.com/2dj2ykz.png" class="bb-image" /><br><span style="color:red">1. <br>2. <br>3. </span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Waiting List.</span></span><br>1.<br>2.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Finished</span></span><br>1. <a href="
http://i35.tinypic.com/30il2j8.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Ludie</a> <br>2. <a href="
http://i36.tinypic.com/123ayk9.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Krolak</a><br>3. <a href="
http://i36.tinypic.com/de75hx.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Tarnish</a><br>4. <a href="
http://i37.tinypic.com/2krfx4.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Erica</a><br>5. <a href="
http://i33.tinypic.com/2e21m60.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Kyt</a><br>6. <a href="
http://i33.tinypic.com/2v1lu8m.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Kesra</a><br>7. <a href="
http://i38.tinypic.com/148hjsz.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Kelsey</a><br>8. <a href="
http://i38.tinypic.com/epngc0.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Young</a><br>9. <a href="
http://i38.tinypic.com/9ftv89.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Nickel</a><br>10. <a href="
http://i37.tinypic.com/67o2ur.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Dogcot</a><br>11. <a href="
http://i35.tinypic.com/1625r12.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Dogcot</a><br>12. <a href="
http://i36.tinypic.com/10mj7dd.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Dogcot</a><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Please send <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">all</span></span> contracts to <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">Blue Moss Adoptables</span></span>.</span>
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
I'm looking to trade my VHR money for VP money, PM me if you're interested in trading.