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A Color For Me >1 Million Prize

Well I know by birthday is not till Nov 30th but I want to get myself a gift, a goodie die would be perfect. I am doing this early so that I can get the best of color and at the right price, I want to get it before my birthday though so I am holding this early.<br><br><span style="color:darkred">Here are a few colors that I have made up on my own<br>Necromancer W/Sexual Harem<br>Day Vampire Feeding Off Of Pleasure<br>Depless Eyes W/Bloody Fangs<br>Moonless Sky Pelt W/Daemon Wings<br>Crimson W/Black Devil Horns N Tail<br>Chocolate Frosting W/Funfeti Markings<br>Funfetti Merle<br>Confetti Merle W/Party Hat N Balloons<br>Charred Black W/Flame licked Paws<br>Coal Black W/Flaming Wings<br>Flame Hued Carcass W/Daemon Wings</span><br><br><br>Things I like<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Darkist Angel</span> - so my player name, you can play off of like the darkness and angels or something like that (Edit you can shorten my name to D*A )<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Birthday theme</span> - with balloons and what ever but I do not want Happy Birthday in the color!<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Wings</span> - Feathered, bat like...I have a fetish for wings so..ha ha yeah<br><span style="font-weight:bold">November </span>- What the weather is like n stuff<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Powerful or meaningful quotes</span> - but it has to make sense as a color<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Fire</span> - I am like a psycho maniac with these, I love to watch them, and play with them but I always try to keep it safe.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Devils or Daemons</span> - I am not evil or worship the evil, but I do like to study them<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Laurell K Hamilton, Anita Blake Series</span> - I love the series so if you can dig a color up from these books I have to give you props<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Vampires, Werewolves, Shape shifters</span> - ha ha yeah like I said before I am into Laurell K Hamilton and lover her stuff<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Wild</span> - Be creative, wolves, large cats, fierce predators...<br>So yeah let your mind go with the colors that you think of, I like them unique...the stranger the better.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">Prize = 1 Million and maybe a neutered pup</span></span><br><br><span style="color:orange">C</span><span style="color:brown">o</span><span style="color:green">l</span><span style="color:cyan">o</span><span style="color:blue">r</span><span style="color:violet">s</span><br><br>
Dark AngelW/Flaming Confetti falling in cool air
jazzy197 wrote:
Dark Angel Feathered Wings
tarnish wrote:
Wicked Aura w/Shadowed Kiss & Torrid Wings
Kazuko wrote:
<br>Long Curly Black Fur w. Entrancing Sapphire Eyes ((Jean-Claude))<br>Practical Necromancer w. Various Scars On Legs ((Anita))<br>Fallen Angel Blond w. Half-Scarred Body & Lovely Blue Eyes ((Asher))<br>Stringy Red Hair w. Calming Aura & Slight Fangs ((Damien))
Dogcot wrote:
Darkangelw/ballonwings flying thru a nov,Fire
Darkist Angel with tattered wings<br>Darkist Angel with tattered black wings<br>Darkist Angel with tattered flame(ing) wings<br>Darkist Angel with demon wings<br>Darkist Angel with broken halo<br>
Parker wrote:
Midnight Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Outline in the Mist<br>Night Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Outline in the Mist<br>Night Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Glowing Outline<br>Midnight Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Glowing Outline<br>Jean-Claude w/ Daylight Fiercely Attacking.<br>Asher w/ Beautifully Golden Locks & Scarred Body<br>Golden Asher w/ Holy Water Scars<br>Richard, the Werewolf Science Teacher<br>Anita Blake w/ Full Control of the Dead<br>Anita Blake & Jean-Claude<br>Anita Blake & Richard Zeeman<br>Anita Blake w/ Longing for a Vampire<br>Anita Blake Equipped with her Browning<br>
Wolves Preying in the Flaming November Snow
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested


  • Dark Angel w/Flaming Confetti falling from the cool air into the pack of Werewolves

  • Dark Angel Feathered Wings<br><br><span style="font-size:59">[my b-day is nov 14...]</span>
  • Wicked Aura w/ Shadowed Kiss & Torrid Wings<br><br>I mixed demon (with the aura), your author you like (the book title), and your wing...fetish. xD Oh and fire if you count that torrid means scorching. -shrugs- <br><br><br>
    Dark Angel w/Flaming Confetti falling from the cool air into the pack of Werewolves
    <br><br>That wouldn't fix. Only 48 characters max.
  • Okay thanks<br><br>Lets make it <br><br>Dark Angelw/Flaming Confetti falling in cool air

  • Yesss... Laurel K Hamilton~ I'm reading her new series... The Meredith Gentry Novels. They're also good, but not as good as the Anita Blake Series... xD; *shuts up and posts colors*<br><br>Long Curly Black Fur w. Entrancing Sapphire Eyes ((Jean-Claude))<br>Practical Necromancer w. Various Scars On Legs ((Anita))<br>Fallen Angel Blond w. Half-Scarred Body & Lovely Blue Eyes ((Asher))<br>Stringy Red Hair w. Calming Aura & Slight Fangs ((Damien))<br><br> I might make up more. xD
  • edited September 2008
    Dark angel w/wings flying thru a nov, Fire<br><br><br>Better?
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • Archuleta08 The second color that you did is alright, the cool air is kinda strange for me, I like hot and fierce things<br><br>jazzy197 Darkist probably would have been better, and I just think that the color is too simple for my liking<br><br>tarnish I like your color, love how you through a lot of the things that I like in there. The Shadowed Kiss was brilliantly mixed in with the color<br><br>Kazuko Yeah I read that series as well, I can not wait for Swallowing Darkness, I have it on pre-order right now =) and did you know that the Anita Blake Series might be made into a movie or even a t-v series...and I cant wait for book number 17 eather! Skin Trade<br><br>Dogcot Scrunching the color all in together is not very attractive, but I see where you are getting the ideas from...I really like the November Flame
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • i edited it and I think it is better now
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • Glad you like it. :D Maybe I will think of another.
  • dark angle party in a November flame
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • :arrow:
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • Darkist Angel with tattered wings<br>Darkist Angel with tattered black wings<br>Darkist Angel with tattered flame(ing) wings<br>Darkist Angel with demon wings<br>Darkist Angel with broken halo<br> XD Comming up with more.
  • :arrow:
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • Midnight Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Outline in the Mist<br>Night Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Outline in the Mist<br>Night Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Glowing Outline<br>Midnight Sky w/ Faint Darkist Angel Glowing Outline<br><br><br>--EDIT.<br>ZOMG. YOU READ ANITA BLAKE?<br>;O<br><br>
    <br><br>Jean-Claude w/ Daylight Fiercely Attacking.<br>Asher w/ Beautifully Golden Locks & Scarred Body<br>Golden Asher w/ Holy Water Scars<br>Richard, the Werewolf Science Teacher<br>Anita Blake w/ Full Control of the Dead<br>Anita Blake & Jean-Claude<br>Anita Blake & Richard Zeeman<br>Anita Blake w/ Longing for a Vampire<br>Anita Blake Equipped with her Browning<br><br><br>..might add more later. <3
  • :arrow:
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • Wolves Preying in the Flaming November Snow

  • :arrow:
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • Dark Angel Black W/Fire Feather Wings & Shape-Shifting Ability<br>Black Demon Fire W/Bat-Like Wings & Werewolfish Smile<br>Party Havoc W/Burnt Balloons & Charcoaled Cake<br>Snow On Fire W/Ripped Vampire Wings<br><br><br>Hope You Like :D
    Dunkey Champions
  • :arrow:
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • Circus of the Damned w/ Invading Counsel.<br>Master of the City of St. Louis.<br>Belle Morte's Gifted Slave.<br>Small, Scruffy & Scarred Equipped w/ Weapons.<br>Master of the City's Girlfriend.
  • Wolves chasing prey thru Chocolate cake
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • Dogcot wrote:
    Darkangelw/ballonwings flying thru a nov,Fire
    <br><br>I also added to otheres and edited that one... also, when will this end?
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • :arrow:
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • Balloons Rising w/ Scent of Birthday Cake<br>Birthday Candle tail w/ frosting coated fur
  • :arrow:
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • bump cough
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • :arrow: i think this was forgotten about...?
    Dunkey Champions
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