So this is only for dogs? I got two cats that maybe I can bug. lmao.<br><br>And a little tip: <br><br>It might be easier for them to stay still if they have a nice walk before hand, especially for hyper dogs.<br><br>Only make the shoot last a short period of time or your pet will get annoyed and grow to hate getting their picture taken.<br><br>Try having the flash turned off and use natural light to have clear eyes and not devil eyes.<br><br>Make the shoot as fun as possible. Maybe include some yummy treats. <br><br>(Oh wait that was like more than one..XD)
I added those tips, Tarn.<br>Thanks, that should help for some entries a lot!<br><br>*Okay, you can have your kitties, too, Tarn, since you helped with the tips! Haha. I'll add all <span style="font-style:italic">pets</span> to be able to enter since some players don't have dogs. I never did think of that until now.
<span style="color:#ff00d2"><span style="font-size:75">*plots against her bunnies*<br> :twisted: </span></span>
<br><br>Easy, Horse. Lol!<br>I'm not too sure your bunnies will look at you the same anymore if you do this... haha.<br><br>Do bunnies dress up?! :shock:
Lmao poor bunnies! <br><br>I dont have any cute clothes so this shall be a challenge. Can I pierce my dog's ears? xD I'm thinking hoops! lmao<br><br>Seriously though, I don't have any good clothes/accessories. I would have to dig deep into my closet and basement.
<span style="color:#ff00d2"><span style="font-size:75">Poor tarn. xD<br>I think I will raid my sister's doll clothes. >:]<br>Shrek should be small enough for those. =D<br></span></span>
@ Horse - Shrek is a cute name for a bunny! Doll clothes would fit just fine, I think, too.<br><br>@ Tarnish - Just add hats, belts, maybe use a fake hoop or something that just sits there. (I don't support your piercing your pets' ears... lol). Small doodads like glasses add some class to any pet/person... lol, so try some of those if you've got any.<br><br><span style="color:green">Actually, it'd be sort of cool if everyone added a theme, too. Like if you put real seeing-glasses on your dog (hopefully not strong ones; it COULD wreck your pets eyes...) and then added a few books scattered on the floor in the background. xD Haha, that'd be cute!</span>
I had my cat sit with her paws over an open book and she looked right at me like, "I am trying to read! Need something? No? Good!"<br><br>But I wanna pierce them!! lmao. Haha kiddin. Well I have like 2 pairs of glasses, ugly belts that I don't wear, and maybe 2 hats. haha. I will definitely have to look down in my basement for old stuffs.<br><br>I can't wait to get started! It will have to wait until tomorrow though.
@ Tarnish - Lol. At least it's exciting for you, lol! I'm glad to see so much fun already and no one has started! I guess I should go start where I left off on my photo shoot and get some examples of what I'm looking for in a pet model to win the 4 mill for his/her owner(s). I'll be RIGHT back... *prances off*<br><br>-EDIT-<br>*flash, flash... FLASH FLASH FLASH!*<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Look what I got! Haha.<br>This isn't an ideal picture, considering I didn't dress her up, but it's a good example for a background... I got a pink backpack sitting in the corner, a "homework" light in the corner. Plus, I have a binder and some papers lying around.<br>Can you guess the theme?<br>If you guess homework, congratulations! You won nothing.<br><br>*Yes, Tarnish, my dogs nails ARE painted. I couldn't resist. About two hours ago I spent a half hour on them. Aren't they pretty? Just like mine, too!
@ Ryder1 - Well, welcome to my contest, then! Hope you have fun. What pet will you be entering then? (Ex. A dog, a cat, a gerbil...) Please give me its name, species (breed, too, if you like). Thanks.<br><br>@ Tarnish - What pet will you be enerting, Tarn? Same as I asked Ryder1, I'll need to know the pets name, species (breed, too, if you like). And any other added info you'd like to give...<br><br>@ Horse - Same as Tarn and Ryder. Please give me the same info! Lol. Shrek, right? And he's a rabbit.
@ Everyone - PLEASE ENTER! I'm holding two weeks for entries (so, on October 19th, players will be allowed to vote--whether your entry is in or not...) The 19th is a day before my birthday, so it might even be stretched a little longer or lessened a little bit. No one can say now; no one knows yet! Lol. :P Hopefully this contest doesn't get ugly with competition :)" alt=">:)" height="20" /> Haha. All I can say is, if you think someone did a spectacular job of modelling with their pet, don't feel intimidated because eveyone will be voted upon and judged equally.<br><br>P.S. If you donate to the prize, you'll get an extra vote to place on whoever's model pet (besides you own) of your choice.
<span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Pet's name.</span> Bellamy/Bella <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Pet's species (breed, too, if you like)</span> Cat. GSD cross.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">And any other added info you'd like to mention.</span> Erm. No real outfits and this picture was taken a while ago. So, hopefully that's okay. =] We gave all our old dress up stuff to my cousin. But Bella loves to be dressed. xD<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... CN0019.jpg</a><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... CN0020.jpg</a><br><br>It's the same outfit, same pose, just one is blurry and one has an eye glow. xD<br><br>*edit*<br>Forgot to mention. She just had some cards sitting in front of her. So I grabbed her PoochPop(it's a toy xD) and a visor and played around. xD<br>Poker Dog!</span>
@ Dreamland - Perfect! She's adorable. I'll post her pic up right now...! *edit* Why does it say "<span style="font-style:italic">Cat.</span> GSD cross." under Bella's breed?? <br><br>@ xactly - Llamas are welcome, too! Make sure to dess 'em real nice! Lol. *edit* Please tell me your llama's name...?
@ Dreamland - Perfect! She's adorable. I'll post her pic up right now...! *edit* Why does it say "<span style="font-style:italic">Cat.</span> GSD cross." under Bella's breed??
<br><br><span style="font-size:75">xDD Bella acts like a cat. She grooms herself, plays with cat toys, and grooms our other cats, etc. She's 100% goofball.</span>
@ xactly - Cute name!! Thanks. Once you get your picture in I'll put it up How's the photoshoot with Hardy coming? Or have you not started?<br><br><span style="font-size:150">I'm wondering whether or not I should have this as a HALLOWEEN sort of contest...</span>
<br><br>Shirts/jackets do not bother most dogs, unless in very hot weather. Then it is cruel to dress them up. Every animal is different, though.<br><br>I hate shoes/booties on dogs. Little mitts are good for dogs paws in cold weather.
<br><br>Some pets, as said, do like it. I know my Molly loves it because she loves to please me. I am easily pleased [whether that's a good thing or a bad thing] and a pair of glasses make the both of us happy! <br><br>Plus, you get to bond with your pet. And I did say that if the animal is likely to get hurt or annoyed by the process, it's not really good to enter them. I did state that, so it is a rule. If you're not agreeing, then don't enter.<br><br>Like I said, many pets do like it, and I know one of my dogs is very happy when I do stuff [anything, really] with her. And she gets excited and acts all mocho and cool when you dress her up! :P<br><br>Keep your opinion to yourself, as this is a contest, not a vent or general discussion.
.. i think i will enter my ferrits..<br>Names: Casper and Bandit ..Nicknames: Kitty and Anklebiter<br>tipe/breed.. ferrit cross<br>i dont even thing i need to do much to them.. bandit is a bandit (he has a mask.. fury mask) and Caspers.. a friendly gost!! all white.. red eyes? lol
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Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
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Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
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Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!