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PotM Nominations: September

Howdy all :mrgreen:<br><br>As part of the Orbis World Newletter, we're going to be featuring a player of the month from every Orbis game.<br><br>The way we do this, is you fill out the following form with as much information as possible about the person you are nominating. Remember, not everyone knows the person you are nominating as well as you do.<br>Next, PM it to me. <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">DO NOT POST IT HERE!</span></span><br><br>A winner will be picked from a group of anonymous judges who frequent this game.<br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Nomination form:</span></span></span><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-style:italic">Player Name:<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen?<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else:<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: </span></span><br><br>A player can only be chosen once in 12 months. They will be ineligible to be nominated again. You can be nominated by any number of people and as many times (as long as you haven't won before ;))<br><br>For those <span style="text-decoration:underline">nominated</span>, can you please fill out the following form and post it <span style="font-weight:bold">here</span>:<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Forum Name:<br>Player Name in Game:<br>Main Ranch Number:<br>Chat Names If Applicable: </span><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Past Winners</span></span></span><br>(ineligible to be nominated again) <br><br>A-sap - August<br><br>Thanks all, and start nominating ;) Don't forget to PM me the nomination for the player you would like to see as player of the month ;)


  • <span style="color:olive"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Nominations</span></span><br><br>Player Name: KimYo<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? Kimmy has helped several people and me with issues<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Kimmy helped me out when I was having friend issues<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: n/a<br><br>Additional support:<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? She helped me buy a sponsor<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Gave me 70 mill to buy a upgrade<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: How many voted for KimYo? xD<br><br>
    <br><br>Player Name: Lixxu<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen?: I think Liz should be chosen for player of the month because she is a great friend and has been very helpful in the past. She helped me out a lot. She is a pleasent person and is my sunshine.<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: When I first joined VP she helped me learn how to play and that was very helpful. She has helped me through some rough spots, and that is one of the reasons I call her my sunshine.<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: Um.. she is my sunshine. <br><br>Additional support:<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I know she isn't on too often anymore, but I always look forward to the times she is on. She never fails to brighten up my day, as she is my sunshine. <3 Plus.. she's snad.. and agrees I'm not a chicken. What more needs to be said?! <br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Well, she helps run RTR [ Rescue, Train, Rehome] And with that we rescue dogs, train them up, and give them to novices in need :3 Also, she helped me get started on VP. She let me use her sponsors when I was newer, and helped me in any way she could <3 <br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: ... She agrees I'm not a chicken. <br><br>
    <br><br>Player Name: Forum-Grapple The Game- Frapple & Grapple <br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? I think Grap should be chosen because she is literally one of the nicest people I have met. I know her in real life, and she is just so nice! On the game she is crazy but fun. I share a kennel with her, and I've never had any problems at all! She is an amazing artist, one of the best I know, and she is really good at coming up with ideas. <br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Grapple has helped me numerous times, whether it be with my art, or with what we should do with our playcash. She is the one that upgraded our account (whoopee!) and I'll love her forever for that. <br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: Grapple is a very big fashonista!! She also likes to act like barbies on chat... o.O<br><br>
    <br><br>Player Name: Evlon <br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen?: I think Evlon should be player of the month because she's a great person and player. Her art is fantastic and she's helped me improve my drawing in the past. I'm really thankful that she was glad to help me out whenever I needed the help. <br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: She's helped me with my own art (and we know her art is amazing) in the past and still is. Of course I don't think I have much talent in drawing but it's certainly improved since Evlon helped me. <br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: Hm... she's an awesome trainer and as long as I've known her, she's never been rude or unkind to another player <br><br>
    <br><br>Player Name: Wolf <br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? Cause.. she helps people with lots of stuff(>.> includeing fishies ;D) and she is nice to everyone.. and ya.. o.o <br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: when i had questions bout the little gilled animals that go into fishtanks she helped me xD(in other words, when i had questions about fish she helped me) <br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: uhm.. o.o she doesnt sit on you when you come into chat xD<br><br>
  • Gah, been insanely busy >.<<br><br>Don't forget to keep nominating guys!
  • Lots of nominations this month . . .<br><br>>.><br><br><.<<br><br>:P
  • Player Name: KimYo<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? She helped me buy a sponsor<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Gave me 70 mill to buy a upgrade<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: How many voted for KimYo? xD
  • <span style="font-size:75">Pssst! You're supposed to PM it to Jelly!</span>
  • Thanks guys . . . Still need more people nominated though ;P
  • :arrow:
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • :arrow:
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Lovely, free bump, and I will be thinking about this ^_^
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • Thanks for the bumps guys :D<br><br>Nominations are now closed and winner for this month will be announced in the next few days :D
  • bump ^_^
    Please PM if I win anything.
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