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Biggest "Blonde Moment" Ever?

edited September 2008 in General Discussion
Like the post says... Post your biggest blonde moments you've ever had. We did something like this on here about a yr. ago. So lets see what else we've done since then!!<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mine:</span><br>Spraying perfume in my face.<br>Trying to push a door that said "pull".<br>I've got more. I'll post more when I remember em. :D
If you've ordered anything, please be patient with me. Having volcano/ash troubles. Msg me for more info, and I'll get back to you asap!! Thankies!!


  • Not remembering who trained my dogs last weekend -.- When I find out I'll probally go DUH!
    FAME FOR SALE: 667
    DOGS FOR SALE: everything for the right price $$
  • hitting my eyebrow and calling it my elbow<br>putting perfume on my lips, (it had the rolly thing, and not the spray thing)<br>Using a spoon as a straw, four times in one night
    I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
  • [22:29] <@Apocolypse>; GO <br>[22:29] <@Apocolypse>; POST <br>[22:29] <@Apocolypse>; wait <br>[22:29] <@Apocolypse>; wrong person <br>[22:29] <@Apocolypse>; sorry <br>[22:29] <@Apocolypse>; xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • >.><br><br>I have them regurly.Then again, im a blonde XD<br> <br>Like tripping over air.And calling my brother by his friends name.And blanking out on names XD
  • Haha being so engrossed in a conversation that I reach over and try to find my packet of crisps but instead put my hand in my cup of tea. :P
  • [16:25] <Apocolypse> Uhm<br>[16:25] <Apocolypse> Im seriously<br>[16:25] <Apocolypse> thinking about kicking you from the rp ;]<br>02[16:25] <UnhingedBias> ?<br>02[16:25] <UnhingedBias> what'd I do?<br>02[16:25] <UnhingedBias> XD<br>[16:25] <Apocolypse> >.><br>[16:25] <Apocolypse> That<br>[16:25] <Apocolypse> twist<br>[16:25] <Apocolypse> annoyed the hell<br>02[16:26] <UnhingedBias> lmao<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> out of me<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> for some reason<br>02[16:26] <UnhingedBias> Jesters jsut the scared abused kid<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> >.><br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> WAIT<br>02[16:26] <UnhingedBias> Fraps the one playing Daryn, not me XD<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> wrong<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> person<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> xD<br>02[16:26] <UnhingedBias> XD<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> Sunny moment<br>[16:26] <Apocolypse> XD<br>02[16:26] <UnhingedBias> definitly xD<br><br><br>And that is what you call a Sunny moment XD
  • *Driving through campgrounds*<br>Mum: "There's a spiderweb on your mirror."<br>Dad: *Flicks spider off through opened window*<br>Dad: "Bad place to make a house!" he says, looking out the window at some campsites.<br>Me: "Where?"<br>*Everyone ignores*<br>Me: "Where?!"<br>Dad: "There."<br>Me: <span style="font-style:italic">"Where?"</span><br>Mum: "The spider!"<br>Me: "House?"<br>Mum: "The spider's web on Dad's window!"<br>Me: "Oh! I thought..." *doesn't finish, no point*<br>Dad: "What are you... blonde?!"<br><br>*I am not blonde. I am a brunette.*<br><br><br>Second time:<br>*Straightening hair*<br>Me, thinking: <span style="font-style:italic">I can't believe -instertnamehere- burnt her finger on her straightener... I would never do that...</span><br>Me, straightening my hair: <span style="font-style:italic">La, la, la, sing, sing, sing</span><br>Me: "OW!" *sucks on finger* "I burnt my finger!"<br><br>Proof that Ludie needs to eat a big breakfast.
  • *Driving through campgrounds*<br><br><br><br>Second time:<br>*Straightening hair*<br>Me, thinking: <span style="font-style:italic">I can't believe -instertnamehere- burnt her finger on her straightener... I would never do that...</span><br>Me, straightening my hair: <span style="font-style:italic">La, la, la, sing, sing, sing</span><br>Me: "OW!" *sucks on finger* "I burnt my finger!"<br><br>Proof that Ludie needs to eat a big breakfast.
    <br><br><br>*dies laughing*
    Please call me Star! Theres too many midnights on VP!
  • Dude, like all the time. I'm not blonde, but I'm just stupid, ALL the time -.-<br><br>Sorry, can't name EVERY time. Right now I'm too lazy to go through my brain remembering any of the sad moments
  • [19:08] <@Injection>; She just lost her grip<br>[19:08] <@Injection>; lmfao<br>[19:08] <@Apocolypse>; lmfao<br>[19:08] <@PatAttack>; i am so confused<br>[19:08] <@Apocolypse>; I fail<br>[19:08] <@PatAttack>; O_O<br>[19:08] <@Apocolypse>; epicly<br>[19:08] <@Apocolypse>; XD<br>[19:08] <@PatAttack>; WTF ?<br>[19:08] <@Injection>; Yes, you do. xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • So I went to the fair today and we have a sunroof in our car. We pull out of the drive way and it's a 2 lane road and my uncle is suppost to pull our and follow but he decides to go the other way. Unforunatly we don't see that and a van exactly like is comes driving up and I poke my head out the sun roof and start waving (because I'm wierd like that) then discover it is like two grandparents and they are like... WTF? watching theis crazy person waving at them. -.-
    FAME FOR SALE: 667
    DOGS FOR SALE: everything for the right price $$
  • I doing math and thought 9+4 was 15. I did that like 5 times before I remembered it was 13 x_x
  • Thinking you're a brunette to find out you're actually a very dark auburn xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • omg like. I am so composing a Sweeties top 10 blonde moments later tonight. I have had sooo many :S not recently though xD
  • Forgetting a quarter is twenty five cents and saying it's only 20 cents :oops:
  • <span style="font-size:75">Dreamy is blond. But my sister is more blond, yet she's brunette.<br>We're homeschooled, right? Right. Well, a while ago, my sister was working on some geography... >_><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><br>Sister:</span> *works on homework*<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Me:</span> *plays on VP*<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mom: </span>*works on dinner*<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sister:</span> Mom! There's something wrong with this map! I can't find Pennsylvania!<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mom:</span> *sighs* *walks over* *points on PA* There.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sister:</span> Oh.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Me:</span> *rolls eyes*<br><span style="font-style:italic"><br>Time passes...</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sister:</span> Mom! I told you there was something wrong with this dumb old map! I can't find Iran!<br><br><br>>_> Oh, by the way. This was a US map. Not an international map.</span>
  • XD<br><br>Hmm.<br><br>I've called someone's house and asked if they were home.<br><br>And I can't think right now. D: But I'll add more later.
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I went to an Italian resturant and asked if they had Italian dressing, everybody in the resturant laughed.<br><br>At first I had no idea what they were laughing at but then it hit me :oops:
  • i was gonna go down a waterslide superman style. so i jumped and hit the metal bar that you grab to go down. on the flight home (i was in germany) i looked like i was autistic. yea.....<br><br>another time my friend had said, wow thanks for saying hi. i just said ok... and stood there like a dork until i realized she had said that and said hi back.
    Huzzah for corny jokes! XD
    Sernum's RL Friend.
  • I forgot how to count once..xD<br>Umm..<br>I can't remember anything else, but there are a lot, I can tell you that.
  • I forgot the Spanish Alphabeto :roll:
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I forgot my name once. XD
  • lmao.I thought Ohio was located down by Idaho. o.o;
  • I thought Washingotn D.C was in Washington state...
  • bruiser147 wrote:
    lmao.I thought Ohio was located down by Idaho. o.o;
    <br><br>I still need to hurt you for that xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • sunny is a big blond.... on her banner contest, she put "ENDS SEPT 31.!!" but there is no september thirty-first, silly sunny! :D
  • Frapple wrote:
    sunny is a big blond.... on her banner contest, she put "ENDS SEPT 31.!!" but there is no september thirty-first, silly sunny! :D
    <br><br>Wow.<br>I feel smart xD<br>:oops:<br>I swear there are thirty one days xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • tis fine sunny... we still love you.. :)
  • Frapple wrote:
    tis fine sunny... we still love you.. :)
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Conning: Name it George.<br>Me: It's a girl.<br>Conning: Fine Georgia then.<br>Me: Why?<br>Conning: You know, Curious George. But a girl version is Georgia.<br>Me: Why Curious George?<br>Conning: Because it's a monkey, duh.<br>Me: It's a giraffe.<br>Conning: Oh.<br>Conning: Name it Georgia anyways.<br>Me: Fine.<br>Me: How do you spell that again?<br>Conning: G-E-O-R-G-A<br>Emily: Nuh-uh<br>Emily: There's an I between the G and the A<br>Emily: Even I know that.<br><br>Blonde-ness x3
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