<span style="font-size:75">My neighbors, the ones I've been dog sitting for, finally came back today(they were gone nine weeks!) and gave my sister and me a very small gift. They gave us a bag, and told us to look in it. There were three turtles inside! They told us about them. Two are red earred sliders(Always wanted one), and one is a different kind, forgot what. My sister's going to our neighbors to ask again. But that one is ours(the other twoare for our neighbor's kids). And anyway, yeah! I got a turtle! =D My mom said I could keep him. Yay!<br><br>Luckily, I had about 1-2 10 gallon tanks laying around, so we filled that up with some water, and put some rocks in there, and got out our old heat lamp to turn on slightly. <br><br>I've wanted to get a turtle for 2-3 years. So for a moments notice, this is a WONDERFUL surprise! =D I'll try to get pictures of my lil' bugger once he gets used to everything.</span>
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