Firebird.<br><br>Okay, well, I event sport dogs. I have a pretty darn good flyball team, if I do say so myself, and I also do field retrieve, hunting, dock jumping...<br><br>So, if you can think of a dog off the top of your head for that, I'd love one.<br>If not, I'll take some cash, or trainings [XD], or maybe this dog?<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Tanks a ton, babe :]]
Firebird, again<br><br>Can I have any amount of VPC or a good breeding dog? Any breed is fine. I just need one that will make nice pups. <br><br>Please and Thank you.
Please call me Star! Theres too many midnights on VP!
Please call me Star! Theres too many midnights on VP!
Please call me Star! Theres too many midnights on VP!
Clickey Please!
Clickey Please!
Please call me Star! Theres too many midnights on VP!