<span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">I cant grant that, how about a drawing? =]<br><br>I wish for a good amount of VPC. =D</span></span>
I don't have any VPC, otherwise I would give you some, I can offer you a free, custom, pro layout though?<br><br>I wish I had enough money to stat max my untrained dogs, or a couple stat maxxings themselves.<br><br>-Rosy
sorry Im not a trainer but I can give you a skill maxed dog and 2 free banners. Msg me at my vp kennal below<br><br>I wish for a large amount of $. Im saving up for a sponser kennal
sorry Im not a trainer but I can give you a skill maxed dog and 2 free banners. Msg me at my vp kennal below<br><br>I wish for a large amount of $. Im saving up for a sponser kennal
<br><br>This is actually the last wish. Grant this before you make one.<br><br>Also, I don't think I stress this enough. All sent contract notices, PLEASE send over private messages. Thank You.
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
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Clickey Please!
Clickey Please!