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Rid of rescue kennels.



  • You had no way to get on a computer? You had no friends with computers? What about a public library? They let you use the internet FREE.
  • Kazuko wrote:
    Clutzilia wrote:
    tarnish wrote:
    The time is already ridiculous. It gets harder to find kennels that haven't logged on in 6 months. It's only twice a year. I don't think it needs to be extended. It's fine how it is. <br><br>People should right down their info or save it on their computer. I have a whole file on all my game passwords and usernames.
    <br><br><br>What if your computer crashes? Or breaks? <br><br>I know I moved in Sept. and I couldn't get on a computer for 2 months. <br><br>Then I couldn't remeber my information. Then after that my comptuer crashed, and I had to get a new one.<br><br><br>That takes a lot of time off VP. <br><br>The time is ok but what if something horriable happends? :P
    <br><br>Write it down~ On paper. Y'know, old fashioned and whatnot, but it gets the job done.<br><br>And if something superomgawful happens, then I doubt you'll really care about VP all that much. I know I'd just be happy I got through whatever hellish event I just suffered. *shrugs*
    <br><br><br>Paper? through a move? XD<br><br>That's simply impossible at least for me xD.<br><br>yea, the last thing you said was true, but I've gone through hell x 500 xD and I played VP a few months after it because VP helped me through it.
  • It's pure ridiculous, the only reason some people don't oppose this is because they profit off of rescue kennels.<br>I had a rescue kennel and I didn't like taking dogs from people, that's why I don't have one any more. People work hard for things and they shouldn't be taken away from them. It's not really a hard concept to grasp.<br>If it slows down the site, upgrade to a bigger server. Nef has plenty of income coming in especially considering she doesn't bother responding to emails very quickly, like Clutz said.
  • I honestly don't see the whole big deal. I know you had dogs rescued Parker so I know this hits closer to you.<br><br>Server payments are huge. I think she is paying around $3,000. Why should she upgrade her server with more cash just because people can't stand to lose things worth playcash?<br><br>Like I said, you can use library computers and you only have to log in twice a year. It's not a big deal. People with rescues work to find dogs to rescue. Yes WORK. We also had to work to get the money to pay for the sponsor. <br><br>Nef also looks after all orbis games. Not just virtualpups. Yeah she has a life. I think people are demanding a lot. Upgrade this, dye this, change this, fix thies, ect.
  • Well while we're bashing rescue kennels and trying to get rid of them... Why dont we get rid of training as well? or breeding? presige maybe?<br>If you dont like the game, simply dont play.<br>Nef spends thousands of dollars every year so that people can have something to do. She cant always get around to every problem right away, she has a life as well.<br>If no dogs were ever rescued they would all rot away as mentioned before and noone would ever be able to play because of the lag. Is the lagging not bad enough already? More dogs would mean more coding which would slow everything down even more.<br> :roll:
  • Buffy wrote:
    Well while we're bashing rescue kennels and trying to get rid of them... Why dont we get rid of training as well? or breeding? presige maybe?<br>If you dont like the game, simply dont play.<br>Nef spends thousands of dollars every year so that people can have something to do. She cant always get around to every problem right away, she has a life as well.<br>If no dogs were ever rescued they would all rot away as mentioned before and noone would ever be able to play because of the lag. Is the lagging not bad enough already? More dogs would mean more coding which would slow everything down even more.<br> :roll:
    <br><br>Well why dont we just get rid of half the games nef owns? It takes forever to have things update/errors corrected. I, personally think she has way too many games and not enough help because she won't let ops do half of it. Nef spends thousands of dollars, but where does that money come from? It comes from us, the players, the sponsors. So it should be up to us whats added/edited/changed, etc. Since she does have a life, she definitely does need some more help. She can't manage four or six or however many games on her own, it just isn't working. If no dogs were rescued, people would still be able to come back and have what they had before they left. If it "wastes too much data" then delete kennels after 2 years of inactivity, that'll free up even more space! But stealing peoples hard earned dogs is down right ridiculous. There are much more efficient ways to clean up the amount of data used. And to be honest, what do half of the players that always mention the coding even know about coding programs? It's not hard to set something up to delete accounts after 2 years of innactivity, and then there would be even less data used! At least if it was deleted, peoples lines wouldn't be spred all over VP.
  • Parker wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Well while we're bashing rescue kennels and trying to get rid of them... Why dont we get rid of training as well? or breeding? presige maybe?<br>If you dont like the game, simply dont play.<br>Nef spends thousands of dollars every year so that people can have something to do. She cant always get around to every problem right away, she has a life as well.<br>If no dogs were ever rescued they would all rot away as mentioned before and noone would ever be able to play because of the lag. Is the lagging not bad enough already? More dogs would mean more coding which would slow everything down even more.<br> :roll:
    <br><br>Well why dont we just get rid of half the games nef owns? It takes forever to have things update/errors corrected. I, personally think she has way too many games and not enough help because she won't let ops do half of it. Nef spends thousands of dollars, but where does that money come from? It comes from us, the players, the sponsors. So it should be up to us whats added/edited/changed, etc. Since she does have a life, she definitely does need some more help. She can't manage four or six or however many games on her own, it just isn't working. If no dogs were rescued, people would still be able to come back and have what they had before they left. If it "wastes too much data" then delete kennels after 2 years of inactivity, that'll free up even more space! But stealing peoples hard earned dogs is down right ridiculous. There are much more efficient ways to clean up the amount of data used. And to be honest, what do half of the players that always mention the coding even know about coding programs? It's not hard to set something up to delete accounts after 2 years of innactivity, and then there would be even less data used! At least if it was deleted, peoples lines wouldn't be spred all over VP.
    <br> If kennels were deleated then what would happen to the Hard earned dogs you speak of? Gone as well. And also All of the money would also be gone. So therefore if you take a break and come back to your dogs, your money, and your kennel as well all gone... People would say that two years is not long enough to wait. Logging in Twice a year will not kill you. As mentioned... Friends, Libraries. Its not hard it just takes a little effort. So if you dont want to make the effort to keep your hard earned dogs then there is no reason that someone that will shouldnt be able to have them.
  • Buffy wrote:
    Parker wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Well while we're bashing rescue kennels and trying to get rid of them... Why dont we get rid of training as well? or breeding? presige maybe?<br>If you dont like the game, simply dont play.<br>Nef spends thousands of dollars every year so that people can have something to do. She cant always get around to every problem right away, she has a life as well.<br>If no dogs were ever rescued they would all rot away as mentioned before and noone would ever be able to play because of the lag. Is the lagging not bad enough already? More dogs would mean more coding which would slow everything down even more.<br> :roll:
    <br><br>Well why dont we just get rid of half the games nef owns? It takes forever to have things update/errors corrected. I, personally think she has way too many games and not enough help because she won't let ops do half of it. Nef spends thousands of dollars, but where does that money come from? It comes from us, the players, the sponsors. So it should be up to us whats added/edited/changed, etc. Since she does have a life, she definitely does need some more help. She can't manage four or six or however many games on her own, it just isn't working. If no dogs were rescued, people would still be able to come back and have what they had before they left. If it "wastes too much data" then delete kennels after 2 years of inactivity, that'll free up even more space! But stealing peoples hard earned dogs is down right ridiculous. There are much more efficient ways to clean up the amount of data used. And to be honest, what do half of the players that always mention the coding even know about coding programs? It's not hard to set something up to delete accounts after 2 years of innactivity, and then there would be even less data used! At least if it was deleted, peoples lines wouldn't be spred all over VP.
    <br> If kennels were deleated then what would happen to the Hard earned dogs you speak of? Gone as well. And also All of the money would also be gone. So therefore if you take a break and come back to your dogs, your money, and your kennel as well all gone... People would say that two years is not long enough to wait. Logging in Twice a year will not kill you. As mentioned... Friends, Libraries. Its not hard it just takes a little effort. So if you dont want to make the effort to keep your hard earned dogs then there is no reason that someone that will shouldnt be able to have them.
    <br><br>At least if it were deleted dyes & colors wouldn't be exploited, and neither would lines.<br>e-e;<br><br>But whatever, I give up.
  • I like this idea and I don't like this idea.<br><br>I do have to say that there are probably millions of reasons why someone wouldn't be able to access a computer at all for over 2 months. I'm not going to list though :|<br><br>Personally i think there should be someplace where all gifties and line dogs should go when the kennel owner doesn't log on for so long...Kind of like a K9 heaven where they can't be rescued. And if that person ever comes back then they can claim their dogs somehow. How would the game know which specific dogs get there? There could be some kind of option on a dogs page where you can check off whether they do or not. <br><br> kind of doesn't make sense in a way, but w/e just an idea. :roll:
  • it's childish to suggest getting rid of rescue kennels cause well if ya get rid of them, as previously said, ya got to get rid of all the other type of specality kennels --- picking on one kennel type is the actions of a child who is not getting what she/he wants.<br><br>I know people have had dogs rescued that they wouldn't want rescued, I myself when my grandmother died lost a couple of pretty rare and well stated dogs<br><br>Ya see me whining -- no cause I knew it was going to happen and to me, the game is just a game... so what if I lost a rare colored dogs ... not that important really --- <span style="font-size:75">unless ya selfish, which maybe the case</span><br><br><br>but ya think about it, there was plenty of means by which these dogs couldn't have been rescued <br><br><br>simply put this suggestion is a mixture of laziness, greed, and plain jealousy<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">laziness</span><br><br>ya can easily get either a friend on the game and/or in real life to look after your dogs<br><br>when Krimes, not sure if still on the game or not, had to move she/he leased her dogs to me and I looked after them --- hence Krimes's dogs weren't rescued<br><br>are people so childish and/or fickle that they can't ask someone in the game to look after their dogs, or do they not trust their supposed "friends" on this game<br><br>if ya don't trust your game "friends" then get a real friend to log on once a week, it's a five second thing :roll: , so that your dogs are not slated for rescue<br><br><br><br>those that loss their login information and have a hard time getting Nef to respond, I find that amusing seeing as almost everything I ask Nef about is answered within a few days or a week at the very most<br><br>I write in capitals and put very important in the subject matter to any e-mail, hence catching her attention and more or less demanding an answer to my questions - most of which are mere curisoity<br><br>if I was to loss my passwords/usernames to my accounts I would harrass Nef until I got an answer --- most people probably e-mail her once and say "ah she'll tell me".... like anyone who is busy you have to keep reminding Nef about the important things<br><br><br><br>moving or something of the like<br><br>unless you're moving in the middle of the night, which maybe possible, there are local liberaries where you can log on and quickly check your account<br><br>my library itself is a prime example, NOT ONE of the computers needs user information to log onto<br><br>and if the library does need user information<br><br>there are plenty of "hot spots" --- such as bookstores and internet cafes --- where ya can pay so much money to use the internet and hence check your accounts<br><br>also some universities/colleges allow people acces to their computers without user information, find one and see if that can be done<br><br>I find it interesting that there was mention of lossing passwords/usernames when moving so to me that kind of says, well the game and the dogs they are crabbing about isn't quite as important as those complaining are trying to make it seem to be -- if it was, then they would have tried to log into their accounts as they moved<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">greed/jealousy</span><br>almost all of the people complaining don't have rescues of their own<br><br>now I wonder what kind of tune they'd be whistling if they did
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • Inertia wrote:
    FYI, Nef doesn't go thru kennels and delete thousands of dogs. They just sit there. <br>
    <br><br>I didn't say she did. :wink: I simply meant that if it weren't for rescue kennels, there would be no way of deleting/reusing dogs from abandoned kennels besides Nef or Mods or whoever else going through and deleting everything.<br><br>And for all those who complain of losing your real-life money when a gifty is rescued, if anything, this should motivate you more to check your account.<br><br>Twice a year is no burden, and if it means this much to you, I guaruntee that you can find a way to check your accounts. If you can't go to the library, go to a friend's house. If you don't have access to a computer, then ask someone that does if they will do it for you.<br><br>Everyone knows that they run the risk of their dogs being rescued if they leave their kennels after 6 months. So why are you upset if this happens to you?
  • Instead of a pitch fit on not deleting <br><br>Maybe make rescue times longer<br><br>good conditon a somewhere from 8 months to a eyar<br>and bad condition 1 month to 6 months<br><br><br>i like rescues i like rescueing its a addictive<br><br>i agree with colbalt i wasnt able to get on for around 3 or 5 months i asked a friend who also plays (who has a sponser) to log in for me<br><br><br>I;m losing time on vp also but i pick a date once a month to log in it toke me about a mintue to log in and out of the kennels i have access too
  • OMG I am a rescue freak. I love rescuing. But the difference with the giftie colors I rescue they get put in a giftie kennel and thats it. If i did breed. They get neutered and never allowed to go over 5. Thats how many dogs I have rescued and that are in my account as of now. Number of dogs: 9066 As soon as I hit 10k most of them will be retired/neuter/released.<br>Why change something that has been like this forever. I would be pissed if Nef got rid of rescue kennels. As stated already all you have to do is log in twice a year. Its not that hard. I have been without internet and I made sure I got on a pc to log into my kennels atleat once a month. <br>As for kennels getting deleted. Another thing thats not going to happen. We have to have those old kennels so you can tell if someone is breaking a rule. Creating more accounts/scamming money out of new accounts.
  • I love rescue kennels. And I have had an entire kennel or two rescued (like 100s of dogs) yet I still like them. Why? I don't know to tell you the truth. I enjoyed playing with my rescue kennel when I had it. I made no profit on the dogs I actually kept (usually giving them away). If I did make a profit, I took a dog no one wanted and made it into a conformation beast. From someone who took a long break from VP, to come back and have the old dogs gone, it wasn't a big deal for me to lose them. The ones I wanted back I bought back, no biggie. It's just a game folks.
  • I definatly agree on this.<br><br>Starting August I probably won't be able to get on for months. I don't want my dogs to go anywhere other than my kennels. I have spent millions and millions on countless dogs in my kennels.
  • Inertia wrote:
    Players are losing MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars worth of show dogs, in kennels they haven't logged on to.<br><br>If we can't clean up old kennels, why should we 'clean up' all the old dogs.<br><br><br>It is NOT fair for somebody who paid and worked for a dog, to have it taken away after so long. Its also not fair for some person to steal somebody else's work.<br><br>I'm sure people get greater pride for establishing their own International Level Goodie Dye, then 'stealing' somebody else's.<br><br>RID OF SPONSOR RESCUE KENNELS.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">Players should take responsibility of <span style="font-weight:bold">at least</span> <br>checking in once in a while. Rescue kennels <br>retrieve dogs that have been in inactive kennels. <br>It'd be more of a waste for dogs to sit - dusty<br> in an inactive kennel. It seems only the more<br> obvious to me, that there are alternative <br>options that you can use; Internet is provided <br>in so many places for free, and you get months <br>to simply log in. <br><br>It almost applies to reality also. If I paid for an <br>expensive show dog, I'd most likely look after it. <br>I wouldn't leave it sitting someplace - and if I <br>did, someone else would probably take it away<br> from me. <-- That in which, relates to VP's<br> Rescue kennels. :Q<br></span></span>
    Banners: OPEN
    Training: OPEN ;D
    [Ver's kennel!]
  • I think we should keep rescue kennels, otherwise lots of dogs would just sit there,<br><br>and yes, I know it hurts to see your prized dogs gone, but if they really are prized, then you should be able to log on once every six months.<br><br>or have a friend log on for you every now and again.
    All bids, etc. will come from Crystal-Marie|Holding

  • Buffy wrote:
    I completely disagree :x <br>As said before it doesnt take much effort to log into a kennel twice a year. If you have an issue where you cant there is always someone with internet that could do it for you.<br> :wink:
    <br><br>Thank You Buffy :!: :!:
    Please msg me if I win or owe something!
  • Ruffian wrote:
    I definatly agree on this.<br><br>Starting August I probably won't be able to get on for months. I don't want my dogs to go anywhere other than my kennels. I have spent millions and millions on countless dogs in my kennels.
    <br><br>It dont take but a few mouse clicks to log-in 2 times a year.
    Please msg me if I win or owe something!
  • I have a rescue, and I've had it for 2 years now. Its not that hard to log in twice a year, as has been said already.<br><br>If rescues were deleted, a lot of people (myself included) would be out $25. <br><br>So that is fair how?
  • I think its funny cause the people defending banishing rescues dont have them
    Please msg me if I win or owe something!
  • This has been brought up before..repeatedly since specialty sponsors were made. It's not changed no matter how much people have complained.<br><br>I'm sorry some players would be out $20 dollars. Wish that's all I had to worry about. I've spent thousands on the game but I'm not posting no more rescue kennels. <br><br>I have a rescue, it is not a profit kennel. Gifties get tucked away, bad statted/overbred/etc dogs get released and others find good homes with people I know are reponsible with their dogs/lines. I give them to those players. .<br><br>It does not take much to log in. I lost my computer for 8 months, the back up I was on froze any time I logged into vp. But I managed to log in enough to keep my dogs. Giving myself a headache fighting the computer, turning it off, restarting, logging in again, etc over and over until all of my kennels were logged in to. <br><br>Look at it more as incentive to log in/play. <br><br>I'd release my dogs (or have left instructions with someone to release all my dogs) if I decide to never come back to the game.
  • I too was gone for over 6 months once due to rl issues. I still logged in once every month or two because I didn't want my dogs to get rescued.<br><br>I understand how people feel when their dogs get rescued, I would hate it too, that's why I ensure that all my kennels stay active. I wouldn't like to see Rescues go anywhere, I love them :)
  • Yeah, fortunately you COULD log in. What about those who DON'T have computer access... like, it could be anything, like, say their house was damaged in Hurricane Ike or Gustav. Yeah VP would be the last of their worries but still.. it's unfair.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I already listed ways on how they could get on. Read the whole board..anyways, they can find a way to get online ONCE every half a year. I mean, common
  • Tarnish, I did read the board. Don't assume I didn't.<br>There's two sides to this.. yes rescue kennels WORK to find dogs to rescue, but it's not like the kennels didn't WORK to attain the dogs they have. And I'm sure that if there are real life problems, logging into virtualpups is not going to be on their minds all the time.<br><br>Dogs that people have worked for are THEIRS, and don't belong to anyone else. No one else has rights to these dogs, but the owner.<br>And it's not like these dogs are actually starving, or actually unhappy.. they're just HTML markups that are part of the game...<br><br>Rescue kennels are making big bucks off of what is pretty much pirated material -- people's dogs. And if they haven't logged in, the dogs' happiness, condition, and energy level don't go down, so what are we saving here... perfectly happy, healthy dogs?
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • You edited your post didn't you? They way you responded it didn't seem like you had read everything else. <br><br>First off, yes they were peoples' dogs. "Were" being the keyword. I will agree with you that data has no feelings and cannot suffer ect. Now here is where I will mix my response with your limit breedings on novices and my response on here.<br><br>You were saying that novices breeding making more dogs could slow the game. What about rescues? Lots of sponsor kennels I know release the bad dogs they get to help make the site faster. Many of the players haven't logged in during a long period of time. <br><br>Now what I said earlier was it's a game. It's not a huge deal to lose pixels. But I will say its bad when people lose colors they paid USD for. I don't know if any kind of protection on them would be possible. It seems like it could be confusing. But then again, if you really cared you would find a way to get on. Free internet access is everywhere. <br><br><br>
    And I'm sure that if there are real life problems, logging into virtualpups is not going to be on their minds all the time.
    <br><br>Not all the time but if they were really concerned they would figure out how to get on. I do know some other players forget their dogs can be rescued and that really stinks but I have seen many people rebuild. Parker is an excellent example.<br><br>Finally, I have said this many many times but, you only have to log in once in half a year. Only twice in one year. Only twice! And how long does it take? Minutes. You can't take 5 min. out of two days of the year? ;)
  • a-sap wrote:
    Rescues are based on the rescues in real life. They take dogs that haven't had a owner in a while (6 months) and take them, and can do whatever they wish to them afterwards. It doesn't take that much time/effort to log in 2 times a year.
    <br><br>This is a freaking role playing game.<br>If you're a caring person in real life, why not be a rescuer on virtualpups?<br>And I'm sure you can FIND ACCESS TO A GOOD COMPUTER in less than six months, people!<br>My school lets us on the internet every day and all the computers normally work, with the exception of a few.<br><br>If you want your plan to be stretched and accepted, maybe you should try something a little less drastic and harsh. Like, only let rescues rescue dogs that AREN'T gifties--but then again, how do the rescues gain money?<br><br>It's a player-screw-player world in virtualpups sometimes.<br>If you play, accept it.
  • K whatever, garfield.<br><br>Obviously those that have rescue kennels are gunna be against this, and those that have not experienced getting their dogs taken away that they have worked hard for will be for it.<br>So what do we pick?<br><br><br>Tarnish, ...yeah<br><br>I dunno I dont feel like arguing right now. Do what you need to do but don't make the game more frustrating than it already is.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <span style="font-size:75">Just want to put in my little tid-bit of info. ^^ </span><br><br>Hi all! I'm a rescue. :3 <br>I've been a rescue for about...2 or 3 years now. >.9<br>I rescue all types of dogs. ^^<br>Most dogs I rescue are horribly stated and I really find nothing to do with them other than releasing--seeing as I don't event. <br>I've rescued gifties, nationals and all the above in my lifetime. :3<br>I've also returned gifties, nationals and all the above. XD <br>The people I return their dogs to are usually people I know/have heard of. They're usually people that I know work with a certain breed of dog and have a certain logo. ;3<br>If I obtain a dog and don't know the previous owner, I usually just claim it as my own. Oh so cruel--but true.<br>I've only had two people message me in regaurds to re-owning their dogs. They should be happy. ^^ Of course I was too nice to say no. XD<br>I'm the type of person who sees the world in the "do on to others as you'd like them to do onto you" light. <br><br>I know that if I ever left for 6 months (or more) my dogs may go POOF. But see, like anyone, if that ever were to happen--you know, if I were to suddenly loose my fingers and voice before miraculously gaining them back in order to log on 6 months later--I'd want the rescue kennels that may have rescued from me to at least have the heart to give me back my own. Yep! Looking out for myself. ^^<br><br>Everyone may not view this the same way as me, but that was just the way I was raised. You don't take from others. You may not see it as taking from others--I don't see it as taking from others unless the person comes back from the dead with a significant reason as to WHY and can prove it--if it's that good a dog. ;P <br><br>Sure the games not fair. <br>The reality: Nor is life. <br>People can be heartless. <br>That's nothing new. <br>"I" can be heartless--but not when it involves money and time. I understand that sometimes people just can't get on the computer, for whatever reason. I don't condemn any rescue that gobbles up dogs and leave previous owners groveling... I only hope to continue making sure I'm not the one groveling--by logging in every blue moon. ^^<br><br>All in all, I don't support the idea. <br>To each his/her own. ^^<br>Time for bed! :D
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