<span style="font-size:75">Well. My Pittie/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, Molly, learned a lesson on our camping trip. <span style="color:red">Squirrels are very hyper creatures... And Blue Jays like dog food.</span><br><br>Here's a picture of Molls:<br><img src="
http://i36.tinypic.com/2iu25g.jpg" alt="
http://i36.tinypic.com/2iu25g.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>She was minding her own business, chained up to the ol' trailer (they don't allow loose dogs, plus, she wouldn't stay anyway

), when a squirrel decided to invade her territorial space where she was lying, half-asleep.<br><br>It made a weird *squirrel noise* and took off. Lifting her head up, Molly was a little irritated, you could tell. She looked up at it in the tree where it had scurried away.<br><span style="color:green">This squirrel was looking for a <span style="font-style:italic">game.</span></span><br><br>Molly wasn't up to a game. She had just gone a long, three hour hike on the trail her owner (Ludicrous Lunatic AKA Garfieldz Gal) had taken her on. (Well, it wasn't three hours, but Molly and Ludie circled it multiple times before we got the hang of it's weird ovalish-triangle shape...)<br><br>All Molly wanted to do was, well, sleep. She needed it. So, laying her head back down, she glared at the squirrel breifly and then closed her eyes. With her head softly resting in her two big paws, Molly drifted off to sleep for at least a half an hour before--<br><br>*Blue Jay noises* the Blue Jay was there now. And it wasn't trying to bother Molly and convince her in a game, it was stealing her food. One piece at a time, the jay had been taking Molly's food while she was asleep. With Molly's owner in the trailer, she hadn't been doing anything about the bird-theif... Ludie had never been one to disturb the balance of nature. Although, I didn't think a jay stealing dog food was an actual part of nature... :? <br><br>Molly jerked her head up, and the blue jay flew off into the same tree as the frolicking squirrel. The squirrel was angered and started having a squirrly fit by making high-pitched *squirrel noises*. The jay didn't seem to be disturbed, though. He was keeping his eye on the beautiful creature lying in front of the dog-food bowl. Odd as this is, Molly stood up and growled at the Jay and the Squirrel.<br><br>Ludie, watching the whole time, was fascinated. Her dog must've been communicating with the wild animals in some sort of behavorial sin language with her growling and hair standing.<br><br>Molly didn't go back to sleep. Her lesson?<br>Don't trust Ludie to watch over your dog food--and never take dog naps on camping trips--that's what night is for.<br><br>*Caution, exageration is used a lot in this experience... I couldn't help but add the details to help you picture Molly's reactions in your head.<br><br>By the way, Mr. Blue Jay came back the next day. While Molly was on another hike... :shock: </span>
Regal Creatures Contracts to CiaraD
A REAL APBT should weigh 13kg to 27 kg, so why do all the APBTs on VP average 48kg?!?
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