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Breaking Dawn Quote Discussion



  • <span style="font-size:92">I don't think it does have to do with baseball ;)<br>I mean when would they ever be playing baseball because I doubt it would<br>be with the Cullens unless they were expecting to majorly turn down the <br>vampire power xD<br><br>And I love the last quote ;__;<br>It made me laugh out loud.</span>
  • I do think it has to do with baseball too.. and that last theory you posted Secret, is good. xD I was just throwing that out there.. :P
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Doodle_Bug wrote:
    <span style="font-size:92">I don't think it does have to do with baseball ;)<br>I mean when would they ever be playing baseball because I doubt it would<br>be with the Cullens unless they were expecting to majorly turn down the <br>vampire power xD<br><br>And I love the last quote ;__;<br>It made me laugh out loud.</span>
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Well, like I said, they could be planning on telling Charlie about there being Vampires. Unlikely, I know but still. Also they could just run like normal speed, but then to them, what would be the fun in that?</span>
  • I do think it has to do with baseball too.. and that last theory you posted Secret, is good. xD I was just throwing that out there.. :P
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">lol Thanks. Like I said, I have to give props to that random YouTube person but the light bulb just came on.<br><br>Anymore theories?</span>
  • Day Six Quote:<br>Hmmm this may be stupid of me, :oops: but... maybe when Charlie says: “Bells, we’re up to bat.â€
  • CSong518 wrote:
    Day Six Quote:<br>Hmmm this may be stupid of me, :oops: but... maybe when Charlie says: “Bells, we’re up to bat.â€
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • CSong518 wrote:
    Day Six Quote:<br>Hmmm this may be stupid of me, :oops: but... maybe when Charlie says: “Bells, we’re up to bat.â€
  • CSong518 wrote:
    Day Six Quote:<br>Hmmm this may be stupid of me, :oops: but... maybe when Charlie says: “Bells, we’re up to bat.â€
  • <span style="font-size:75">Day Seven's quote is up.<br><br>Discussion = Open<br><br>Well, obviously he could be talking to Alice. Edward is forever picking with Alice with the size to annoyance's ratio. But just something about the way he says it, makes me feel that he isnt talking to Alice. Its like he is surprised by there size and level of annoyance. If Edward was surprised by it, it would have to be someone new to him, that he doesnt really know. So, maybe another smaller person is coming onto the scene? A reviewer said there would be some new characters in the book, could this be one?<br><br>What do you guys think?</span>
  • I think it is Edward talking to Alice, because in Eclipse:<br><br>"Amazing. How can someone so tiny be so annoying?"<br>Alice: "Its a talent"<br><br>>.>
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • <span style="font-size:75">Like I said, that could be it. But Im still getting a odd feeling. I dont know. :wink: </span>
  • <span style="font-size:75">Day Eights quote is up!<br><br>So lets get talking!<br><br>But first, I have to have a Fangirl moment:<br><br>*hem hem*<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">THERE IS ONLY 13 MORE DAYS TILL BREAKING DAWN IS REALEASED!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! IM HAVING A ATTACK I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!!</span><br><br>*hem*<br><br>Okay, now onto the discussion of our daily quote. Personally, I think this is about the best quote so far. Just because it is funny and doesnt make any sense whatsoever. I truly have no idea what this could be for, so Im just going to make so stupid guesses. Maybe when the Cullens turn someone, they lye them in a giant pile of feathers. Or maybe it was just Edward, wanting Bella to be as comfortable as possible while she is going through all that agony. Thats about all I can think of.<br><br> :lol:, I cant wait to see what some of you crazy cats come up with. :lol: </span>
  • Or, perhaps, she attacked a chicken or some sort of bird right after she was changed and realized what she did the next day or something :P
  • Haha, nice fangirl moment xD<br><br>I believe its like what Carlisle did- he hid in a pile of rotton potatos for the three agonizing days.<br><br>OR<br><br>Bella and Alice (or someone else) are having a pillow fight, and all the feathers come out. Bella falls asleep, wakes up, and doesnt remember the fight ( :oops: )
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • <span style="font-size:75"> :lol: Both of those are good. I'll add them to the theories.</span>
  • Thanks :)
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • <span style="font-size:75">Anymore theories?</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75">Sorry, Ive been over at my friends house.<br><br>So, I am posting two quotes today</span>
  • Day Nine:<br><br>Alice is dressing up Bella for the wedding, and Bella is being sour (as usual) about it.<br><br>Day ten:<br>Edward made a mistake (Its like, Naw dip, sherlock. I think we know that)
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • For day 2, Mike could be being serious, like saying he's going off to some far away college or something and Bella could be joking around, using saracasm <br><br>(ex: M: I'm going to college in Australia; B: -laughing inside- Oh, Mike! How will I go on?)
  • For day 3, Tanya could have showed up to try and convince Edward not to marry Bella
  • Day Nine:<br><br>Alice is dressing up Bella for the wedding, and Bella is being sour (as usual) about it.<br><br>Day ten:<br>Edward made a mistake (Its like, Naw dip, sherlock. I think we know that)
    <br><span style="font-size:75">Thats about what I was thinking.<br><br>I mean, the quotes have been pretty generic lately.</span>
  • I know, right?
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • For day seven, maybe Edward is talking to Bella because she is nagging him about becoming a vampire :P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • <span style="font-size:75">Good idea, Nickel.<br><br>Day Eleven's quote is up and we can now discuss it.<br><br>I have to theories. Esme and Phil or Esme and some of her friends are trying to help set up things at the wedding and of course Alice wants to. As for the ripping their throats out...Lovely Alice would never do such a thing. :lol:. My second theory is that Esme is trying to like help Bella get dressed and stuff, but Alice wants to do that to and just wants everyone else to sit back and relax.<br><br>I liked this one. Other theories?</span>
  • Maybe Bella hasn't seen the wedding yet, and when she sees how its set up she's shocked and says how could you do that?!?! (for day eleven)
  • For day 12 (Edward: "Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away.") maybe its the night before the wedding and Bella can't sleep, or she woke up from a nightmare and she wants him to help her get back to sleep, but without a nightmare?
  • day 12 maybe its after/after she tells Charlie, he doesn't like Edward and it may be causing her some bad dreams, or maybe she is having some scary dreams about vampires and were-wolves before the wedding comes, who knows
  • <span style="font-size:75">Jazz, Ranger, I havent posted Day Twelve yet.<br><br>Please dont discuss the quotes until Ive put them up. Ive already said that once.<br><br><br>Now, Day Twelve's quote is up<br><br>Discussion can begin</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75">Theory for Day Twelve: Obviously, Bella is having another nightmare and Edward is wanting to sooth her.<br><br>Plain and simple, there is really nothing else to it.</span>
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