Alrighty so you may have seen my previous board about me possibly getting a puppy. Odds are about 95% now.

<br><br>My mom and I searched all over for border collies and considered puppies from other states near us. Our vet told us about a breeder so we checked out the website. Everything looked good and many of their dogs were comformation champs. <br><br>Later when my sister came home (she was at camp), we told her about the puppy. We went to go see her when she was about 3 weeks old. She was so tiny and was with her brother in a little basket. After awhile she started to play and kicked her back leg when my mom found her tickle spot. <br><br>I also got to meet the mother and she was really sweet. She wasn't all in our faces and was pretty mellow. She came when we called her and it was nice to see her. <br><br>While we were there we got pictures and my mom put down a deposite on her and not on the website it says she isn't available.

That's because she is going to be ours in August when she is old enough to leave her mommy. All the siblings in her litter aren't available anymore except for one little male. I thought they went fast considering they were only 3 weeks old.

<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>*That's her brother she crawled over<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Uh that's my mom holding her. I am taking the pictures. rofl.<br><br>Anyways, we can't think of a name. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. I need girl names. ;D<br><br>We already came up with:<br>-Tori/Tory (my mom)<br>-Karma (me)<br>-Addison (my mom and me)<br>-Bird Poop (my sister)<br><br>Suggested by players:<br>-Dakota (tuffgirl)<br>-Heather (bruiser147)<br>-Mischa (lolo)<br>-Gheta (Dreamland) <br>-Hope (Dreamland)<br>-Indira (Dreamland)<br>-Nova (Dreamland)<br>-Tatiana (Dreamland)<br>-Saki (Dreamland)<br>-Rowan (zagari wolf)<br>-Rory (zagari wolf)<br>-Taryn or Tarin (zagari wolf)<br>-Renn (zagari wolf)<br>-Juliet (zagari wolf)<br>-Elektra or Electra (zagari wolf)<br>-Princess Holly (zagari wolf)<br>-Liesel (zagari wolf)<br>-Fly (Oriyana)<br>-Stella (Clutzilia)<br>-Remedy (Clutzilia)<br>-Spirit (Clutzilia)<br>Nikki (Silver Husky)<br>Keysha (Silver Husky)<br>Shasta (Silver Husky)<br>Luna (Silver Husky)<br>Riley (Silver Husky)<br>Pepsi (Silver Husky)<br>Bella (Frapple)<br>Nellie (Frapple)<br>Toby (Frapple)<br>Topaz (Frapple)<br>Ruby (Frapple)<br>Daine (Cobalt) <br>Sasha (Cobalt)<br>Juliette (Cobalt)<br>Diana (Cobalt)<br>Diorre (Cobalt)<br>Martisa (Cobalt)<br>China (Dreamland)<br>Shalahou (Dreamland)<br>Madeline (Dreamland)<br>Lily (Dreamland)<br>Mare (Dreamland)<br>Tia (Dreamland)<br>Damitra (Dreamland)<br>Alegra (Dreamland)<br>Kesare (Dreamland)<br><br>I can't wait to get her around August 20th.<br><br>Yeah I know the title is lame. I couldn't think of anything. >.<
