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My heart is officially broken

edited July 2008 in General Discussion
:cry: <br><br>I haven't been on my shows kennel for a while, because since Christmas I've been revising for my exams. I had probably about $100 million worth of dogs in there. I've decided to have another go at showing now my exams are over and I'm on my holidays.<br><br>But all 14 dogs have been rescued by <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">the same person</a> (and I know this isn't their fault). I had a 2 of a kind giftie which I paid for, and they've bred it (only once, but still).<br><br>I can't believe it. I worked so hard at those dogs, and had to take a break because of my exams.<br><br>I know this is a game, and that's part of it. But ouch... and I mean ouch...<br><br> :cry:


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