Absolutely gorgeous; and MS Paint pictures are 10x harder. So I definetly can tell you put much time and effort into them. Just great! (: If you ever auction; please inform me!
Very nice, your coloring in Paint is amazing.<br><br>You should never take critique personally. Critique is to help you become a better artist, not to offend you. <br><br>I really like your hyenas. I'm glad someone knows what a brown hyena looks like x3. <br><br>But both of the hyenas' muzzles are too droopy-like. Too hound-ish. I'll draw a quick example:<br><br><img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/aliieennss/Simplemuzzle.jpg" alt="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/aliieennss/Simplemuzzle.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>Also, the paws farthest away from the "camera" should only show one or two toes. Not all of them. <br><br><br>And the tails on spotted hyenas are short and very fuzzy. Not lab-ish, like you did there.<br><br>That's about all the problems I can see, you're very good, keep up the good work x3.
<span style="font-size:92">Amazing Will you be open for commissions because I'd pay <33<br><br>Edit;;<br>And I remember Johnbob! His MS Paint art was amazing <br>That's awesome that he taught you </span>
Thank you everyone for giving such good comments. <br> Right now I'm doing a pic for Darkist Angel for some trainings but after that I think I'll do an art auction.
I'm having a Gifty Color contest on the Contest thread. <br>The prize is one of my pics.<br>So if you like them here's your chance to get one before the auction.
Very, very nice.<br>Especially on MS Paint. And I'm guessing that means its done with a mouse, not a tablet?<br>Wow. You must have a very steady hand XD
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested