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O_o Uhm.. My computer gots a virus. D= So we need to delete everything on it. Including CS2. Sooooo. I was like.. sad. ;_;<br><br>But! Do to my dad's sudden awesomenesh(x3) He managed to get me CS3 extended from a friend! And I has eet on a disk so when, I repeat, when, I accidentally delete it, it'll be no probbb. Yah. *is hyper*<br><br>So. Out of happiness. I doodled this in about 20 minutes.. But.. It was aimed to be for a commissioner. But I didn't feel like the stuff at the time. So.. If they want it, I'll fix it for them. If they don't, well.. I'll do something with it. ^_^<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>It's MYNE. So.. leave it alone. Rawr. Copyright to me.<br><br>My lack of using/stubborness against using refs kills me sometimes. >_>


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