Well. Dreamy's computer died. Sort of. The motherboard died. Or whatever it's called. And because it costs a lot, and my moniter is old and takes up most the desk and lots of other things are dying, I'm getting a new computer!<br><br>Not brand spankin' new. But new as in.. one I haven't owned/used. xD <br>We're looking at macs and pretty quick pcs. Like 2ghz or more.
<br><br>Right now I've got my eye on a powermac g4 with 800mhz(decent.. Just below 1ghz) and it has Photoshop CS 2! It's 145 dollar BIN and 30 dollar shipping. So right now, my dad is considering it.
Boz's Art Dump
Semper Fi.
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
I'm Back!