I've found this posted on various websites and many have been having issues with their accounts.<br><br>""Recently, Photobucket, a well known image host, was hacked by a hacking 'company' called NeTDevilZ. These hackers posted a message saying:<br><br><br><br>'# NeTDevilz #<br><br><br>... ve NeTDevilz yeniden sahnede<br><br><br>Bizi hatırlayan var mı ? UnutulduÄŸumuzu düşündük ve tekrar hatırlatmaya karar verdik !<br><br><br>( Turkish hackers group )<br><br><br>ZeberuS - GeCeCi - MiLaNo - The_BeKiR - h4ckinger - SerSaK - KinSize<br><br><br>©2008 NetDevilz Co.<br><br>We're not first,But We're the BEST!'"<br><br><br><br><br>So, I would check your photobucket if you have one.<br><br>Hopefully they don't hack any other websites.

<br><br>I use tinypic now, so I'm not as worried; but I know many who use Photobucket, so I figured it would be good to know."<br><br><br><br><br><br>There you go. I never liked photobucket much anyway. But for image storage, you can find picoodle useful :]
Boz's Art Dump
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