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What Is Twilight?

edited June 2008 in General Discussion
I'm being serious. I've never heard about Twilight, and now VP is swarming with EDWARD! AHH! *faint*<br><br>Can anyone give me some insight?<br><br>*edit*<br><br>Forgot. it's EDWARD! AHH! *faint* *plod* *kerplunk* <br><br>Sorry for the mistake.
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  • Twilight is the first book of this vampire series by Stephanie Meyer. frankly I am sick of the craze. It's getting old. I liked the books but not enough to want edward to come or anything..xD
  • I've never heard of it either!<br>ps: Kim...I was seriously going to post about this! {Freaky!}
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  • You people need help. Or at least need to pay attention. There is a post like this, what seems like, almost everyday. Asking what Twilight is.<br><br>A series by Stephanie Meyer. There are 3 books, soon to be four. In order-Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and coming soon, Breaking Dawn.<br><br>The main characters of the Twilight Book is- Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan<br><br>Main Characters of New Moon are-Isabella Swan, Jacob Black, and Edward Cullen<br><br>Main Characters of Eclipse are-Isabella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black, Victoria.<br><br>They are making Twilight into a movie, so thats why there is so much publicity. It comes out December 12.
  • personally I am not one of those people who think you are crazy because you haven't read them, lots of people haven't and its a matter of taste, when I first heard of Twilight and a girl falling in love with a vampire I killed over laughing, my friend loved it to death, so I went ahead and tried it and instantly fell in love, Stephanie Meyer is a very gifted writer and did an amazing job on these books<br><br>Pretty much a book about a girl who falls in love with a vampire... and a were wolf... but loves the vampire more, personally I like Jacob better than Edward but what the heck, people (even mwa are hyped for the new movie and book) I got into it really bad not to far back, its starting to ware off (I still have a Twilight layout, check out www :D ), but when the new book comes out be prepared to hear all about it;, cuz all the twilight fans are gonna explode on here, I read twilight... hhmm 2 years ago.. maybe 3, before it became popular, and me and my friend waited in agony for the next one, about the time the 3rd one came out, it was a hit, and "Twilight" was the thing, I even think they are selling shirts about it now, its mostly a thing for us book worms lol, I'm one of those people who hate romance stories, but this series is good... they have a point... but yeah, good stuff you should read it
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Twilight is like a an angsty teenage book about liking people that are dangerous. Basically. XD<br><br>BUT I LOVE the books. Can't wait for the next one to come out. Personally, I find Jake just as attracting as a boyfriend as Edward. At least Jake isn't dead!
    To contact me quicker, message me through my kennel. Thanks!
  • haha thank you, thought I was the only one, I would totally take Jacob over Edward, but since its a book, I will stick to falling in love with real people, not fiction characters =]
  • NO No jake.<br><br>I will take the man that sparkles, thank you.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Jake may be annoying, but I loves him. I loves Edward too though. Poor Bella...having to CHOOSE and going for the dead guy
    To contact me quicker, message me through my kennel. Thanks!
  • Hes technicly not dead- hes supposed to be, but vamps arent dead. Unless your Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Chuck Norris, then they arent dead.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I love Edward and Jake both the same<br><br>So I am Team Switzerland.<br><br>I dont think Jake is annoying at all. I think he<br>is just in love and is trying to get Bella's attention<br>when all she does is gape after Edward.<br><br>I also love him because he is Native American and they<br>are all sooo hot! lol<br><br>But I still love Edward because everyone fell in love with<br>him in the first book. But what other choice did we have?? None!<br><br>So yeah, GO TEAM SWITZELAND!!
  • <3 edward
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • People say they're good books..*shrug* I'm staying away from them because I don't really like to read, it all sounds a bit cliche (no offense to those who like it), and its such a big craze that I'm put off from it. Someone at school tried to get me to read the first one, offered to let me borrow it and stuff..I politely declined.
  • Real men sparkle<br><br>[/hijack]
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • You should read them Kite. My mom thought they were stupid when I first tried to get her to read them, but now she loves them. Just like a lot of my friends.
  • I said..its too big of a craze, it sounds cliche to me, and I don't like reading. I'm more of a movie person, because I'm very visual, and movies don't take as long to watch as a book does to read. I'm just not all that interested. :|
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