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BarkPark Rights For Novices - Free Petition Banner Inside!

Hey everyone,<br><br>Yes, I am a sponsor player, and own three sponsor kennels to be exact. But when I want to post for my novice kennels I can't so....<br><br>Before I became a sponsor, I used the BarkPark as much as any sponsor player to advertise my services. When I decided to be a novice rescue, I used it to post that I had many rescued dogs for adoption. When I tried being a novice skill trainer, the BarkPark let me tell the world that I actually could do a <span style="text-decoration:underline">good</span> job for <span style="text-decoration:underline">low</span> prices.<br>When I needed money, I responded to specific posts on the BarkPark from novices and sponsors alike.<br><br>But now my privileges are gone...what do I do? Give up? Quit VP? Try playing without the BarkPark?<br>All these posibilities are possible...but dont seem right. Why let sponsors advertise for us when we can do it ourselves!<br><br>This part of the Forum is to find players who agree with me! Yes, there were many silly, rude and dating posts on the BarkPark, but there were also genuine players who wanted to advertise their kennels! <br><br>I stand for...<br>1. Creating a Novice BarkPark Board<br>2. Letting Novices Back on The Bark Park!<br><br>If you agree with me, and are either a sponsor player, a novice player or even an Op, please post this banner on your kennel and sign below by replying. <br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Here is the html code...<br><br><a href="¤t=BarkParkRights-1.jpg"; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><br><br><br>Yours truly,<br>SylverWynd


  • Sorry but its not going to happen. Novices can use the forum to advertise there services. VHR has had the BB off limits to novices for quite a time now. It works so much better this way. Also this reminds me of the Halloween breed arguements. Might as well just get use to it. ;]
  • I guess you are right about it working better, I agree with that. Do you think someone could create a novice board or allow specific novices to post on the bark park?
  • okay, just a suggestion. Would it be worthwhile though to send some sort of suggestion ticket?<br><br>(The halloween argument was rather silly though. They are just colors.)
  • <span style="font-size:75">I support the petition. <br><br>I think it's sort of silly to not allow ANY other means for novices to advertise their kennel or services except for the forums.<br><br>Really... it's pretty elitist. (My opinion; take it or leave it.)<br>Not everybody HAS a forum account, and not everybody always SEES the forums.<br><br>Holy heck... even on my accounts that are expired SPONSORS, I still can't post on the barkpark.<br>That's silly enough in itself.<br><br>I "was" a sponsor... at one point in time, I did "pay" to help run this game.<br>But veteran sponsors never even get <span style="font-style:italic">that</span> recognition anymore (let alone any at all).<br><br>Another one of my opinions; this game is steadily falling way down-hill.<br>It's to the point where it's almost ridiculous trying to own a novice kennel.<br><br>It says right on the main page;</span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">"VirtualPups is a unique massive multi-player web game in which you can breed, buy, sell, train, and compete your pups with other players from all around the world for free!"</span><br><br><span style="font-size:75">ROFLMAO!!!!!<br><br>Yeah... right.<br><br>Yeah yeah, and I've heard it all before.<br>"If you don't like the rules, then don't play."<br><br>So much for caring about the players WITHOUT means to renew an account every damn year.<br>Nowadays, it's all about having "real life" money to do practically ANYTHING on this game.<br><br>Want a pretty, nice, new color for your dog? $9<br>Want some imports? More $$<br>Want to renew your account? MORE $$$<br><br>What's it all about? MONEY!!! YAY $$$$$!!!!<br><br>Holy heck! x___x<br><br>I've definitely learned what the priorities of Orbis Games are these past few months.<br><br>It's almost sad.<br><br>Now watch everybody strike out at me for stating my opinion.<br><br>Here we go!! >></span>
  • Well hey!<br>Lets not charge for anything!!!<br>Yeah thats the way to do it. Yeah then no VP. omg How in the hell do you think Nef lives. She does this and thats it. She doesn't work on the side. She makes a living off of Orbis Games. Why don't you try and pay a 3k a month server bill and see how much you charge. -rolls eyes-
  • Summer,<br>I think its right for them to charge money for upgrades and stuff.<br>Zoe is right. This is how Nef makes a living. <br>I believe novices should have a way to post, but they still have to pay for a special account.
  • I was pretty upset when someone PMed me what was wrong with Bark Park. Now i have all this junk mail from novices advertising by PM because they can't use bark park. <br><br>I feel that novices <span style="font-size:42">(I am one)</span> should have the right to advertise their services as well as sponsors.<br><br>I know that nef needs the money to run VP and put food on the table and keep a house over his head. Compared to some sites, this is cheap.<br><br>Sponsors also get things that novices don't. I find that fine. But I feel taking Bark park was a little much. The novices can't get word around.
  • Well, not saying that it was any of you who are respectful novices and follow the rules, but when novices had the priviledge, it was abused over and over and over again. People would get banned and create another account and do it again or other novices would do it. Ops and Nef were spending more time dealing with the Bark Park issues than they could helping players with actual problems.<br><br>Sponsors pay real money or earn a ton of play money so others can pay real money to become sponsors, they aren't nearly as likely to do something that would forfeit all that work.<br><br>So the simple solution to the problem so that Ops and Nef could return to making the game a pleasant place for the majority of people was to take the Bark Park away from novices. No novices means very, very little breach of rules on the Bark Park, meaning Ops and Nef have more time to work on upgrades and help players with game issues.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • <span style="font-size:75">umm, no offense, but there was no need to take what I said personally.<br><br>I was only stating an opinion.<br><br>And did I <span style="font-style:italic">once</span> say that Nef shouldn't charge for <span style="font-style:italic">anything</span>?<br><br>I don't believe I did, correct me if I'm wrong.<br><br>I was just simply stating that this game has indeed become quite overpoweringly favorable for only sponsors.<br><br>Money this, money that... practically every "bonus" this game has to offer requires real life money.<br><br>And now... not only do "bonuses" require that, but so does the "community" board.<br><br>All I'm saying is that Orbis Games has some rather unfavorable priorities.<br><br>Also, did I once bring up Nef? So much for me trying to not point fingers and call out names.<br>Did I <span style="font-style:italic">once</span> say anything about her having another job besides this?<br>Again; I don't believe so. Nor do I particularly care if she does or not.<br><br>But that does bring up another good point.<br>If she DOESN'T have another job to take care of, why does it seem so overbearingly hard for her to upkeep her games at times?<br><br>No offense... but I've once waited <span style="font-style:italic">months</span> just to have one <span style="font-style:italic">simple</span> problem taken care of.<br>I asked nicely, gave her time to respond, but got no help. <br>And I understand there's lots of other players who need help too! Trust me, I do! I'm not entirely narrow-minded.<br>...but I *do* think 3 weeks is fair enough time to assume she had the chance to fix my problem.<br><br>This was back in the days where you were supposed to "message <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a> if you needed any help."<br><br>And now, you can't even do THAT for help!<br>"Grab a ticket and get in line..." ...literally! <br><br>I think it's sad.<br>But whatever.<br><br>I am only trying to state my opinion. <br>I'm not trying to start up a huge debate over this.<br>I know who will see things this way and who won't.<br><br>Now I'm sorry, but I DO have a job so I will be getting off here for bed.<br><br>No hard feelings, of course. =)<br><br>Why roll your eyes? o_O<br>I don't believe I'm personally attacking somebody.<br><br>In fact, I think I'm debating quite civilized, IMO.</span>
  • I was pretty upset when someone PMed me what was wrong with Bark Park. Now i have all this junk mail from novices advertising by PM because they can't use bark park.
    <br><br>First, it is in the ToS, soliciting is against the rules. If a player gets reported enough for spamming people, they will most likely get suspended.<br>Second, the other ops have already stated many reasons as to why the BB is sponsor only. It's not something that will change, so players do just need to get used to it. Sponsors with novice accounts can still advertise via the BB from there sponsor account & novices are welcomed to advertise on the Forums or have a willing sponsor advertise for them.<br><br>Be grateful Nef is generous enough to allow novices to continue playing. The majority of games only offer a 14 - 30 day trial then your account gets frozen until you pay to play.
  • <br>I was just simply stating that this game has indeed become quite overpoweringly favorable for only sponsors.<br><br>Money this, money that... practically every "bonus" this game has to offer requires real life money.<br><br>And now... not only do "bonuses" require that, but so does the "community" board.<br><br>All I'm saying is that Orbis Games has some rather unfavorable priorities.<br><br>
    <br><br>Well, I can tell you right now, OG doesn't make enough in upgrades to cover the expenses of the games servers every month. Yes, Money drives everything, costs go up, things change. There has to be reasons for people to want to pay to upgrade. If the Sponsor perks were made free (which you do imply by the money this, money that comments) no one would pay and the game would be closed.
  • I may not play the game anymore *cough* but, I agree with summer. Sure, its how Nef makes a living, but.... MONEY? before money came, we shared.<br><br>"Its right to share" WE DONT SHARE ANYMORE. Cars: money. What happend to horses? They were easer than cars, and costed almost nothing, because we grew our own hay. All we needeed to know was how to ride.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I may not play the game anymore *cough* but, I agree with summer. Sure, its how Nef makes a living, but.... MONEY? before money came, we shared.<br><br>"Its right to share" WE DONT SHARE ANYMORE. Cars: money. What happend to horses? They were easer than cars, and costed almost nothing, because we grew our own hay. All we needeed to know was how to ride.
    <br><br>o.0<br>What do cars have to do with it? And sharing? We are talking about bark park rights for novices. <br><br>I think VP is wonderful as is. Nice job Nef for doing what you do. :wink:
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • <span style="font-size:75">Like I said before; I'm really not trying to start a huge debate over this.<br><br>I had my two cents, and I shared it.<br>I will continue to back up my point of view if people ask questions and quote me though.<br>Which is hence why I keep coming back.<br><br>On a different note though; I'm also a bit crunched for time right now so I will just say one quick thing.<br><br>I appreciate it, Hawk, that you took the time to explain something to me so nicely.<br><br>You didn't over-exaggerate anything that I might have implied, and you didn't question my intelligence by asking me silly questions that I cannot answer...<br><br>...nor did you roll your virtual eyes at me.<br><br>You gave me a polite, civilized response like I would expect from somebody in charge.<br><br>I appreciate that. =)<br>It *is* actually nice to have a good example like that to look up to.<br><br>But I have to go so I will be back on later if anybody else would like to continue this discussion with me.</span>
  • Ruatha.gifopbadge2.gif
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • <span style="font-size:100">This game is a bargain compared to other online games.<br>This is not aimed at anyone.<br>Nef gets a lot of stick, and she does do a good job in many aspects. Running 4 games and still managing to have a life would be enough to stretch anyone.</span> <span style="font-size:75">*Luffs on her woozle*</span>
  • This wasnt supposed to turn into a fight. *Slaps himself*
  • I can understand sylver. Ru, we'll be good, but dont lock it :)
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I'm a sponsor, and I'm not on either side, but just to make a point for the novices:<br><br>A lot of times, they are novices because they are younger. Parents may think the forums are inappropriate for children, but they have no way of knowing that because the forums are private and can't be seen unless you have an account. Then, said account has to be activated, and only then can they tell if they want their kid to have access on the forums. And also, if you are under 13 you need a parent's permission, and that could not be given. So not all novices are even able to advertise on the forums.<br><br>Just thought I'd add my two cents :wink:
  • Jazzeh always adds her two cents.<br><br>Jazzehs new nickname is Socrates.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • See, that was the problem with the bark park though as well. Inapporiate things being posted that children should not see. So, even if they were allowed back in the bark park, children still might see inappriate things before Ops could stop it, that's what kept Ops so busy, catching inappropriate posts and fixing so that those types of posts couldn't be posted by the same person.<br><br>Same thing with having to join the group in order to post on the forum. Bots advertising "R" rated websites and dating websites getting past just signing up, so the group was added.<br><br>There is a section on the main page titled for parents if they have questions. <br><br>You have to kinda think that a lot of what has been done has been to protect those younger kids as well. By taking BarkPark out of novice hands and adding the join group part, it's freed Ops to take care of other problems instead of trying to catch inappropriate things and trouble makers and trying to keep the game in all areas "G" rated.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I myself am a novice and have been coping well without the bark park, actually I am getting better services now believe it or not, I have been having lots of spam but I have told them many ways to advertise, us novices that take the game seriously don't need the bark park because we aren't lazy and we find new ways to advertise, you don't even need the forums to advertise, I advertise on my kennel description and get tons of response to that alone, some little kids aren't aloud on forums like Jazz said when I was little, chat and forums were a big no no, but for quite a few years now its been okay for me to on them, the bark park had some things posted that even disturbed me, no doubt the younger children were disturbed as well, but all I am saying is even without chat/forum/bark park us novices can honestly be fine, I also have lots of sponsors that help me out that I have helped out anywho thats all I have to say...I'm out adios!
  • <span style="font-size:75">sylverwynd, this isn't a fight so don't worry.<br><br>It's okay to have two different points of view discuss something together.<br><br>That's all I'm doing, really.</span>
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