This is for 500 years of grooming and rough housing. I wan't able to find my examples of the grooming and rhing so I am just going to post the normal trainings w/ aggro.<br><br>500 Years of Grooming<br><br>SB: 2mily<br>HB: 5mily<br>BIN: 20 mily<br><br><br>500 Years of RHing<br><br>SB: 3mily<br>HB: 6mily<br>BIN: 25 - 30mily<br><br><br>500 Years of Grooming and RHing <br><br>SB: 15mily<br>HB: none<br>BIN: 45 - 55mily (i wish)<br><br>Refs: <br>Lunar<br>MuckyDuckBrenden<br><br>Msg me if you want examples
Known as tekk and HoodKingz, but please call me Becca
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t