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Colors and Stars

edited October 2005 in Game Suggestions
I think a great addition would be a board (or something) in the game where people can add their gift colors. That way people have an easy way of knowing what is already made or just out there in general. <br><br>Another great type of list that would be helpful is one to let people know in each breed what the highest 4 star dog there is. People are often asking this question and others want to know which breeds need work. This way someone could look at the list/board/whatever and get an idea of where what breeds stand. Plus how their dog's star rank against the top star dogs.<br><br>I think both of these would be helpful if done in an organized way through the game and not just on the forums. Especially since colors are ALWAYS being added and a forum thread can become cluttered and confusing after a while.<br><br>This is just something I thought about. I personally think it would be very helpful.<br><br>Share your thoughts!


  • I wholeheartedly agree, especially on the stars. Something like the ability to do a star search along with the usual price age and all would be truly helpful for those looking to either by some nicely statted dogs or studs.<br><br>Colors would be nice too, but you could just type the color you want into the search by color to see if it is taken, unless you are a letter different or something...Okay, I like the color idea too. ^^;
  • I agree, while there are posts for both of these topics they are growing soooo long it's just about impossible to navigate through them to find what you're looking for. Good idea! We could do the post on here I guess under General Discussion but someone would have to be in charge of updating it, maybe weekly? The person in charge would give the link to their kennel to be contacted at so we could pm them with the information. Then that person could just copy and paste the new info by editing the existing post. :D
  • I'd do it. Give me something to entertain me on the mornings I'm on the net and no one else is. O_o
  • See I personally think the forum idea is ok... but not great. That's why I suggested more of an organized and automated thing. This way it would be easy because no one would have to maintain it and it would automatically be updated. It's a lot of work for one person to continue updating and like I said the forums get cluttered. <br><br>If someone made an outside personal webpage that could work actually. More than one person could help with it if they knew html. I would actually be willing to help/start that. Rio Saris - would you be willing to go in on that idea?
  • Certainly, though I am not all that hot at html at the moment. Waiting for that class to come around, lol. Are you, or do you know of anyone good at html? I'd help maintain, just wouldn't be the best at setting it up.
  • I can set up something. And it would be easy for you to help in just adding the information. Let me work on getting something started and I will contact you. Keep an eye on your private messages on the forums. :)
  • Sure thing. I'll start gathering up a list of all the giftie colors while I wait. ^^;
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; This is an excellent site for learning HTML. Once it's set up it shouldn't be difficult to add to the list, I only know the basics of HTML but it would be great if you could set up the site, CestMoi. I only suggested the Fourum thing because I don't see any of the major issues on this game getting fixed, so I think we'd be waiting for many months (if ever) to get our suggestions actualy put into the game :?
  • great idea for hte stars. but on the forum, there is a post with gift colors
    Dun message me. I quit.

    If you want a full explanation(most should know) message me
  • I know there is a forum thread with gift colors. Hoever, as a thread gets longer and longer is is hard to find anything. A "one stop shop" type of thing is where I was going with this.
  • great idea for hte stars. but on the forum, there is a post with gift colors
    <br><br><br>yeah but have you ever tried sifting through <span style="font-weight:bold">all</span> of those pages? The first page of the post isn't the complete list, you have to go through <span style="font-weight:bold">every single page</span> of that post to see all of the colors and it's growing all the time! I for one don't have the time to go looking through every single one of those pages and there is also a post for the highest starred dog but again you have the same problem with going through every page.
  • Heh..I just now got finished sifting through all of those pages and copy/pasting all the colors onto notepad...Now to create some kind of order... O_o Whoo boy. This'll be fun. lol
  • true. i understand exactly what you are saying
    Dun message me. I quit.

    If you want a full explanation(most should know) message me
  • Loser edits the first post in the thread everytime a new colour is added. And Riosars they worked very hard to make that list the most complete list out there so please do not just cut and paste their work without asking Loser first.
  • I'm not cutting and pasting what they did. Just colors. I'm making a list by breed. But if you feel it necessary then I won't bother doing anything at all with a list. Sorry for being a bother.
  • Before you take a fit about it just check with Loser. Loser has asked before anyone users their list for any reason just to ask them.<br><br>She also has a webpage with the colours and there's an imput box to add colours to the list. I know it needed to be fine tuned and Kaza was helping her. Not sure how it turned out. Loser isn't on Vp as often as they used to be.
  • actually i didnt get to help much since they have an input form area already..though it needs maxx characters extended... its in that thread, the link.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
    a.k.a  kazamidori
    vp username 風見鶏 kiminnasarukiicon.gif
  • Not having a fit. No point in having a fit about a game. Just stating that if it is a bother to anyone, I won't do it. It's more than a little work, and I could be just as happy without having to deal. Just wanted to help out.<br><br>And once again, I am not at all using Loser's list or anything of thiers, just colors people post, but ask I will.
  • the last time I checked the first page of that post wasn't edited to include all of the recent colors, actualy none of mine are showing up on the first page so it's been a long time since that post was updated.<br><br>as for the highest starred dog post there is no listing for that one, people just post what they have but there is no order to it. I hope idea isn't going to be abandoned like the vp coloring book was :cry:<br><br><br>
    actually i didnt get to help much since they have an input form area already..though it needs maxx characters extended... its in that thread, the link. <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>;
    <br><br>that site doesn't do any good because my color names are too long to submit so right now it's a very incomplete list
  • Oh, no. Not abandoning. Just working on stars now as is. Gonna wait and see what Loser has to say on making another colors list.
  • ok good :D but the list hasn't been updated since Sept. 19th? (I was just there a minute ago and I think that was the date) so it's been a month since Loser's been on? Sable, couldn't we just give Loser the credit for using the list? What if Loser isn't on at all for another month or more, if riosaris has to wait to hear from Loser then we could be waiting a very long time :(
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>There it is! A place where we can keep track of the highest starred dog in each breed!
  • This has already being thouoght of
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