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Reseting the Game



  • ...hiatus wrote:
    I think with people on VP buying good, trained/well-bred dogs, the reset is just plain stupid. I just spent 25k on an amazing dog, and I don't want to see that go down the tube. I know someone spent a lot of time training that dog, and for the hours of work that that user put into this specific dog, I'm sure that they would not want to see it wasted, and then have to start again. Just my opinion.
    <br><br><br>Well said! Also if you have a layout that was made by someone else, and the game resets, and the person who made it quited, you won't have your layout.
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • I totally agree with might be just a game...but yet for some it's a little more than that... and resetting the game wouldn't do much good either. I, as a novice account, would be very upset if all my hardwork was gone just because other people aren't satisfied with the way things are going. I have noticed that a lot of people take turns on their dogs just to get them to breeding age, without training or anything, just so that they can breed them and make money. I know that this is wrong and I am totoally against it but yet that's their choice of what they decide to do with their kennel. As many people have said before...if you don't like the way someone runs their kennel then just don't do business with them...simple as that, lol! <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • Anonymous wrote:
    As many people have said before...if you don't like the way someone runs their kennel then just don't do business with them...simple as that, lol!
    <br><br><br>I'm still totally against a reset but it's not as simple as don't do business with someone if you don't like how they play the game..if they're selling dogs/pups then it affects other breeders, even if you don't personally do business with them. This is if you, as a breeder, are trying to bring quality pups to the market.
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