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Please look idea's that add diffaculty

edited October 2005 in Game Suggestions
uhm relaly i just htought of these! <br>ok<br><span style="color:blue">#1 maybe we should have it so grooming effects the overall condition b/c it does, maybe we can have stuff like flees, or matted hair or stuff from nto grooming your dog that only recue kennels can fix</span><br><br><span style="color:darkblue">#2 i say rescue kennels should be able to rescue dogs that have there condition all the way down for like a week.... its so annoying getting dogs whos condition is really low</span><br><br><span style="color:green">#3 this has been up on the post many times before, but maybe we should do stuff like illnesses, maybe even a virus could go around not just single dogs getting sick and not relating to any other dogs... that way rescue kennels would have to vaccinate every like 3 months. dogs with low condition are more prone to it then dogs that have better condition<br><br>*EDIT*<br>maybe, also the more turns it has a virus the more the stats go down!</span><br><br><span style="color:indigo">#4 i think that maybe dogs should also get injured like a cut that they have to rest out 3 turns. altho it may hurt some training but it you rough house and the dogs accedentally gets hurt ya know, or at a show a dog gets in a fight with another dog...</span><br><br>yes i know most of them will help rescue kennels but still, that would be neat if they were able to do that..


  • I like all of those ideas :P I don't have a Sponser Rescue, I sold it a while back, but I like those ideas anyway. I think maybe the illnesses/injuries should be in all of the sponser accounts, though...'Cause I like that idea too much..

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • no if it's going to happen it'll happen to all cause only sponsers could sure it.
  • BUMP bump bump bump
  • no ne replies off it anymore so BUM BUMP BUMPBUMP
  • You don't need to bump when the thread is still up top
  • I like all the idea's, especially the one about viruses. Maybe they could wipe out entire kennels if the vacinations weren't up to date or something. Meh, you have some good idea's :lol:
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • thanx hot tiger women
  • Wipe out the entire kennel? No, just because one vacination isn't up to date doesn't mean you should loose all your dogs... I think vacinations (if we get them) should just be to prevent sicknesses and not a necicity if you don't mind having to cure your dogs. Now, maybe if the dog has been sick for a certian number of turns then a rescue could take it...
  • i say that maybe the lmore turns that the dogs are sick that they loose stats<br><br>i mean in real life dont dogs have to recooperate.... <br><br>maybe they have to sit out on events for a turn or two!
  • hannon wrote:
    uhm relaly i just htought of these! <br>ok<br><span style="color:blue">#1 maybe we should have it so grooming effects the overall condition b/c it does, maybe we can have stuff like flees, or matted hair or stuff from nto grooming your dog that only recue kennels can fix</span><br><br><span style="color:darkblue">#2 i say rescue kennels should be able to rescue dogs that have there condition all the way down for like a week.... its so annoying getting dogs whos condition is really low</span><br><br><span style="color:green">#3 this has been up on the post many times before, but maybe we should do stuff like illnesses, maybe even a virus could go around not just single dogs getting sick and not relating to any other dogs... that way rescue kennels would have to vaccinate every like 3 months. dogs with low condition are more prone to it then dogs that have better condition<br><br>*EDIT*<br>maybe, also the more turns it has a virus the more the stats go down!</span><br><br><span style="color:indigo">#4 i think that maybe dogs should also get injured like a cut that they have to rest out 3 turns. altho it may hurt some training but it you rough house and the dogs accedentally gets hurt ya know, or at a show a dog gets in a fight with another dog...</span><br><br>yes i know most of them will help rescue kennels but still, that would be neat if they were able to do that..
    <br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:75"><br><span style="color:red"><br>1. <span style="font-weight:bold">Rescue kennels RESCUE dogs. They don't groom them.</span> Maybe, if dogs can get flees later in the game, some novices can become groomers? I noticed many novices don't know how to properly save money, so this could be a good thing to have in case they need some extra points.<br><br>2. <span style="font-weight:bold">Rescues are supposed to rescue dogs.</span> (Repeating myself. Oy). Sponser rescue kennels (the only rescues, legally in the game so to speak), can fully restore a dog's overall condition. So this idea is pointless in my opinion.<br><br>3. <span style="font-weight:bold">If dogs could get injured, then that would be a sort-of good idea.</span> If they could get injuries that affected their performance from then on, (break a leg and get it re-set, and from then on the dog limps) or something like that; it could be interesting. The illness one is something I've been pondering about. Why do Rescues (like myself) get the option of 'Vaccinating' a dog, when they can't even get sick?</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">PS: This is all just my opinion. So, if you find offense in any of this, please don't resort in flaming me about any of my comments. Thanks.</span></span>
  • ok, i know... rescue kennels rescue dogs not groom. i thik it would be better to have any sponsor kennel be able to groom...<br><br>and thanks for posting your opinion
  • Schaduwen wrote:
    <span style="font-size:84"><span style="color:red">1. <span style="font-weight:bold">Rescue kennels RESCUE dogs. They don't groom them.</span> Maybe, if dogs can get flees later in the game, some novices can become groomers? I noticed many novices don't know how to properly save money, so this could be a good thing to have in case they need some extra points.<br><br>2. <span style="font-weight:bold">Rescues are supposed to rescue dogs.</span> (Repeating myself. Oy). Sponser rescue kennels (the only rescues, legally in the game so to speak), can fully restore a dog's overall condition. So this idea is pointless in my opinion.<br><br>3. <span style="font-weight:bold">If dogs could get injured, then that would be a sort-of good idea.</span> If they could get injuries that affected their performance from then on, (break a leg and get it re-set, and from then on the dog limps) or something like that; it could be interesting. The illness one is something I've been pondering about. Why do Rescues (like myself) get the option of 'Vaccinating' a dog, when they can't even get sick?</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">PS: This is all just my opinion. So, if you find offense in any of this, please don't resort in flaming me about any of my comments. Thanks.</span></span>
    <br><br><br>1. Novices getting to be groomers is a great idea! :D<br><br>3. Never thought of it being pernament... That might be good and it might not, because once a dogs injured it could only be bred.
  • i say the there should be anotother skill added to the skill section, <br>you know how theres <br>training<br>business<br>breeding<br>and handeling<br><br>well MAYBE<br>there could be a grooming, and <br>thats another thing that novices <br>can get. so they have a reliable source of income
  • yeah wiping out the entire kennel would be really bad becasue say you have being working on this breed for a long time and you got up to lets say a 8x4 or a 9x4 and then its gone there goes all of you time and money you have spent for nothin i think this is a bad idea like i agress with the sicknesses but nothin that could wipe out you kennel or kill your dogs
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