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Giftie Auction **Closed**

edited April 2008 in Auction
While wandering through one of my kennels I found this girl here: <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Color: Sunfire Butterfly Koi w/ Translucent Bat Wings <br>Breed: Native American Indian Dog<br>Stars: 3x4<br><br>She's one of 3 and likely the last I'll ever release of the color. The original is mine and the only other one out is nuetered. ^^<br><br>I'm really not sure why I have her still or haven't auctioned her, but I've had her a while and am in need of playcash. So, Imma auction her.<br><br>She WILL come nuetered if you are not on my very, very short list of trusted players. And she does have a reserve. If the reserve is not met, I will, of course, not sell her.<br><br><span style="color:blue">SB: 1 mil<br>HB: 10 mil<br>BIN: 50 mil (because I'd rather just keep bidding going. xD )<br>Reserve Met:</span> <span style="color:red">Yes</span><br><br>I reserve the right to end this early or late, sell or not sell and all the rest of that jazz.<br><br>If the bidding gets <span style="font-weight:bold">very</span> high, I <span style="font-weight:bold">might</span> offer to make a pixelart image for her. Pm me for examples if you need them. ^_^


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