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Easter Surprise! **Closed: See last post.**

edited March 2008 in General Services
Alright, I know I'm getting this in a bit late, but I have my reasons. Most dealing with RL issues, but tis not important. ^^<br><br>Anywho, this is Easter Surprise! and it will be quite a bit different from the previous Valentine's Surprise. Here's the plan folks:<br><br>Alright, what I have here is four Easter bunny peeps. If any of you know of the marshmallowie treat, they should look familiar. xD<br><br>The idea is, you may purchase a "peep" and on Easter Day at some point when I get to a computer, the "peeps" will become a ticket. You may turn in your ticket to me via pm and you shall get whatever surprise your ticket entitles you too.<br><br>There will be numerous things that these tickets will be worth such as:<br>One already made pixelart.<br>One custom pixelart of a set size.(you tell what you want and we make it. ^^)<br>1 million in VPC<br>Sponsor Trainings<br>And! There will be two very special tickets. A Gold and Silver worth a custom flat colored lineart from either me, or Eranel. (no humans, sorry)<br><span style="font-size:75">These are mainly examples, prizes will vary.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Also, if anyone would like to donate things such as free trainings or playcash, we would appreciate it. ^_^</span><br><br>The peeps will be limited seeing as Eranel and I are only two pple and can only do so much. Once they are gone, they are gone. <br><br>Anyway, the Peeps:<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>6/10<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>6/10<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>4/10<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>6/10<br><span style="font-size:75">(Peeps made by Eranel. :D )</span><br><br>You will be given a special link with your peep, just for you. All ticket prizes will be drawn from a hat the night before Easter, just to make things fair and such.<br><br>The price for each peep is 1 mil VPC. Each person may only get one of each to let everyone have a chance. You can get them for a friend, or hoard them for yourself. Whatever you please is fine, just please do not claim peep art as yours. They were made by Eranel out of the kindness of her heart since I couldn't get any done these past few weeks. So it wouldn't be very nice to steal. ^_^<br><br>Have fun!! :D<br><span style="font-weight:bold">All prizes should be given/finished at the most a week after Easter Day.</span><br><br>Send all contracts to Rio Saris with Easter Surprise in the Notes.


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