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Advice for newbie Sponsor? Training tips??

edited February 2008 in General Discussion
Love the game, have plenty of time to spend on it, it's more fun than Sudoku ;) I've been on about a week real time, bought a sponsor kennel first day on the game when I saw I liked the format. Sooo, I see tons of dogs 200+ stats etc, is that just real time spent or is there a trick to it? Many people have already asked if I have space to train (I specialized my kennel into training) are dogs that come in kept separate from mine or do they turn with my dogs? Is it possible to isolate a dog for concentrated training? If so, what's the trick to that? I'm having a good time learning my way around the game, but I haven't found angles to these things and is there anything else I should know?


  • Check the tricks and tips section for training tips.<br><br><br>You can put your dogs in boarding kennels (other sponcers) and then you get otthers dogs on contract and you can just train that dog and not age any of your own. Pm me if you ahve more questions I am sponcer trainer so I can answer all of them.
  • I'll try to answer as much as I can. xD<br><br>Many people have already asked if I have space to train (I specialized my kennel into training) are dogs that come in kept separate from mine or do they turn with my dogs?<br>You can put your extra dogs in Boarding kennels. When you turn your kennel the dogs in boarding won't age. It cost to do so but if you own one it actually saves alot. xD Or the other thing you can do it. Since your a sponsor you can have up to 9 Novice kennels that you can link to your sponsor kennel. You can store your dogs in there. <br>Linking Kennels- When you link them you can move dogs from the linked kennels and they won't lose loyalty. You just bid 0 from the other kennel and go and accept it from the other kennel.<br>Another helpful thing is to make sure you have 100 in your training skill. You can't fullly train until you have it. Fill it up with fame points you get from eventing your dogs or making events. ;]<br>Atm I can't think of anything else. lol
  • I hadn't even seen the tips section yet when I'd posted this. Thank you for the help! I may buy a couple more sponsor kennels, can those be linked or can you only link novice kennels to sponsors?
  • You can link sponsors to sponsors, and novices to sponsors. <br><br>I saw your post requesting help, so I went ahead and created a sponsor training guide and posted it in tips and tricks earlier today. I also have an event guide there. Those should help you. <br><br>If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. If you want to ask me something specifically, you can pm me here, at my kennel, or pop into chat.<br><br>I am glad you are enjoying the game, and welcome to VP.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • Thank You! I really do love the game, recommended it to some friends of mine, their kids used to play horseland but apparantly that game isn't fun anymore (according to the kids) so I told them to try this one. Good clean game, much better than most of what's out there these days!
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