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edited February 2008 in General Discussion
I hate Ice, expesually when it results in your new puppy getting a nice little cut in her foot.<br><br>Some people may have noticed North West US getting pummeled with snow. Ohio, where I live got ice.<br><br>I had let me dogs out for about a half hour. I went to go let them back in I had notices blood on the snow. A few minutes later Fionna, my Irish Wolfhound puppy (7th months old), had come in with a bloody paw. I imdeittly washed it off with a cloth.<br><br>She had bad cut on the top of her paw, almost in between her toes. I finished washing it off and took my grooming scissors and cut the fur away. The cut was about an inch and a half long and broke clear through the skin though it didn't look like the tissue has been damaged. <br><br>I took a couple gauze pads and applied pressue to it, it wouldn't stop bleeding. I left the gauze pads on there and wrapped up her paw. She is currently sleeping in her crate.<br><br>I'm worried about her. Did I do it right, or did I forget something?


  • I think you took care of it very well. Though if the bleeding won't stop after that I'd take her in to get looked at.
  • We always used to use clean cornflour on cuts as it would help the blood clot but wouldnt be dangerous, seemed to work. You can get something like that at a pet shop to help.<br><br>From a medical perspective, you've done everything right, Try not to tamper with the dressing too much, you can expect a few spots of blood to breakthrough the bandages, thats normal. Obviously if the blood is seeping through you will need to reapply the pressure dressing (like you did, lots of gauze wrapped tightly with a bandage) but other than that only change the dressing if you have to. If you need to clean the wound, use salt water.
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  • thank for the tips
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