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do you wish

edited July 2008 in Games
i saw another post of this game so i thought that i would start one<br><br>Person 1: Oh I Wish... I had an unmade import. <br>Person 2: Your Wish Came True! Here You Go! (what breed and gender) <br>Person 3:Oh I Wish... I had some 100k. <br>Person 4: Your Wish Came True make a contract to (player name)for a negative ammount<br>Oh I wish... and so on. <br><br>if you dont really get how the game goes then read some of the othere post and you might get the hang of it<br><br>Also, if you don't have the wish they are looking for, say something creative like, "Your Wish Didn't Come True, But i have something better to give you!" <br><br>The Next Person To Post On This Goes First! Have Fun! <br><br><span style="color:red">please grant a wish before wishing</span><br><br><span style="color:red">and please no wishing for 150years of groomong, sponcers, or 5mill. becase i doubt people will just go aruond wishing for that</span>


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