i cant get you that.. <br>but you can have a free<br>custom banner! <span style="font-size:25">im not good at this >.></span><br><br><br>i wish i could have som more art ... XD
i cant get you that.. <br>but you can have a free<br>custom banner! <span style="font-size:25">im not good at this >.></span><br><br><br>i wish i could have som more art ... XD
<br><br>Did you like mine? I could make another one like that if you would like?<br><br>Hollister Chick: Wish Granted, please pm me with details<br><br>I wish I had 3 280/200 trainings. I can't afford them all.
wish denied. but, you can get anything colored(such as lineart,), OR a custom banner!<br><br>i wish for art. <br><br><span style="font-size:25">since no one granted it LAST TIME.. lol</span>
wish kinda granted because you get a free Doggehs (which is a art)<br><br>(msg meh 'bout it)<br><br><br>I wish for <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">ANY</span></span> kind of Sponcer kennel w/ like 2 mo left <span style="font-weight:bold">NOT NEW</span> ya know just one ya are about to run out of
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
D; My wishes have never been granted..<br>The first time the person didn't even grant the right wish, and now I was completely skipped o__o <br>I guess I'm more of a giver anyways ;.;<br><br>Honestly.. I think people need to wish for more practical things.. other then "I wish I had a new sponsor upgrade." Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt someone's going to hand one of those over to you xD<br>Or like "I wish for 150 years of grooming." Lets be practical.. Would YOU want to just GIVE that away? x3
D; My wishes have never been granted..<br>The first time the person didn't even grant the right wish, and now I was completely skipped o__o <br>I guess I'm more of a giver anyways ;.;<br><br>Honestly.. I think people need to wish for more practical things.. other then "I wish I had a new sponsor upgrade." Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt someone's going to hand one of those over to you xD<br>Or like "I wish for 150 years of grooming." Lets be practical.. Would YOU want to just GIVE that away? x3
<br><br>I nver said new :twisted: ( Kidding, but i didnt)
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
wish kinda granted because you get a free Doggehs (which is a art)<br><br>(msg meh 'bout it)<br><br><br>I wish for <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">ANY</span></span> kind of Sponcer kennel w/ like 2 mo left <span style="font-weight:bold">NOT NEW</span> ya know just one ya are about to run out of
<br><br>Boz, I'll give you a milly. =D Send a neggie contract to KimYo . I don't own doggehs...<br><br>Anyways, this is the last post. <br><br>PLEASE <span style="font-weight:bold">GRANT A Wish Before You MAKE One.</span>
D; My wishes have never been granted..<br>The first time the person didn't even grant the right wish, and now I was completely skipped o__o <br>I guess I'm more of a giver anyways ;.;<br><br>Honestly.. I think people need to wish for more practical things.. other then "I wish I had a new sponsor upgrade." Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt someone's going to hand one of those over to you xD<br>Or like "I wish for 150 years of grooming." Lets be practical.. Would YOU want to just GIVE that away? x3
<br><br>I nver said new :twisted: ( Kidding, but i didnt)
wish kinda granted because you get a free Doggehs (which is a art)<br><br>(msg meh 'bout it)<br><br><br>I wish for <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">ANY</span></span> kind of Sponcer kennel w/ like 2 mo left <span style="font-weight:bold">NOT NEW</span> ya know just one ya are about to run out of
<br><br>As far as i can tell.. that was the last wish.<br><br>I cant give you a sponcer but i could let you use my rescue kennel if you want.<br>Pm me.<br><br>Buffy wishes for art.
wish granted....(what is your art...examples..and how much)<br><br>I wish to meet Josiah Leming...(american idol) <span style="font-size:59">i will probably never get his to happen...</span>
wish granted....(what is your art...examples..and how much)<br><br>I wish to meet Josiah Leming...(american idol) <span style="font-size:59">i will probably never get his to happen...</span>
grr. people cant read rules.<br><br>GAK:<br> you can meet'em gak,<br>go to Johnson's Brewing Station<br>in tennesee. XD THEN you'll meetem.XD<br>(just hop in your car and GO!)<br>XD<br>lmao<br><br>kypuplover-<br><a href="http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=260275&view=1" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=260275&view=1</a> <br>bid 0.<br>-.-<br>i just granted TWO wishes in a row. <br><br>i wish for a female Mackenzie River Husky Import.<br>GRAP SOLDED MINE.<br>D:
Boarding Kennel.
Breeding Kennel
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
Boz's Art Dump
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
Boz's Art Dump
Boz's Art Dump
Boz's Art Dump
Boz's Art Dump