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Fish people? (Found, Don't Need Help Anymore) fish educated VPians:<br><br>I saw a fish awhile ago at a petstore, but at the time we were there for guppies. I need to know how big it'll get and such so I'll be able to house it right if I get one now, since we don't have guppies anymore. But I don't know what kind of fish it was, and dad won't make a special trip to find out XD<br><br>It was a black and white biggish fish, it looked like some kind of catfish, but I'm not sure. It had 1 whisker on each side of its face that, I believe, were longer than the body, or close to the same length. It was around $10 if that helps at all XD I don't remember much else. It seemed to stay near the bottom...the lady said they don't get along with other fish, yet they had 6 or 7 of them crammed in a 10 gallon with some other fish as well.<br><br>Any idea what sort of fish it is? If I see a picture, I'll be able to recognize it. I'd do a image search, but I doubt "black and white fish with whiskers" will get me anywhere XD<br><br>Its not a panda corydoras or a zebra catfish, I tried both. It does sort of resemble a zebra catfish though.<br><br>I'm on a fish website...I'll list the possibilities...I haven't recognized it so far. But the pics aren't at good angles for some of them. Maybe a Ornate Pimelodus Catfish? (Pimelodus ornatus)


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