Me and Sylvertip and Doodle and a couple more people were making these hilarious stories on Chat, and I wanted to start a huge Make-A-Story on here.
Ok heres the rules:<br><br>1. You may ONLY use the 5 names listed below.<br>2. No page stretching
:x <br>3. Make sure you dont put the same thing the other person has. That can be REALLY confusing.<br>4. Make the story exciting. No bad language or use of weapons. Dropping people in volcanoes is fine.
:P <br>5.HAVE FUN, I SAY! :twisted: <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Available names:</span><br>Main Characters<br>1. Magpye<br>2. Sylvertip<br>Other People<br>3. Laranisis<br>4. Doodle<br>5. SeaOats<br><br><br>I will begin the story:<br>There was two doodles. Magpye was the Cutest and Sylvertip was the smartest.
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt