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Bad Habits xD

edited February 2008 in General Discussion
Everyone has bad habits right?!<br><br>So what do I do; I bite some of my nails, and I <span style="font-style:italic">still</span> suck my left thumb xD<br><br>Every year im like, right I'm not going to do it, but every year, old habits trail back in there :P <br><br>So what are your bad habits?!


  • Nail biting was, but I can stop that habit at will. Its odd..<br><br>I zone out a lot during school lessons..that's bad >< I'll zone back in and be like "Crap...I didn't hear any of that." but that doesn't happen if I doodle while I listen.<br><br>Cracking my knuckles, back, wrists, and neck. I really need to stop, but I can't. <br><br>And stuff like that. My mind is blank today..
  • I crack my fingers. :/ <br>And I think I have OCD, lol, which comes with a lot of annoying habits. :D
  • I pick at my lip while I concentrate. <br>And I crack my knuckles and toes (I know weird)<br>And my really bad habit, is that I have a tendency to be weird. Like scare people....
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • I remembered another XD<br><br>I'm online so much (12-15 hours+ a day) that I'm too used to calling myself Kite. And today in math, the teacher gave us uberly confusing problems to do, and I went "No! Kite says no!" then I was like "...Wait a minute..." lmao XD; Kyle looked at me like "Whaaaa? 0o" XD<br><br>And another thing that happened today...I tend to not pay attention to what's going on around me. Well, I was in the hallway with my boyfriend...he was holding my hand, right? I forgot he was. I lifted my arm to point at something, and almost took him out with his own arm XD!!
  • I have some bad riding habits<br><br> I lean to the inside when I ride <br> I tend to forget I have elbows when a horse gets strong and I kinda tense up<br> I hate putting blankets on horses so I tend to "forget"<br><br>Non riding bad habits...<br><br> I umm... don't have any really... except I tend to leave dishes in the sink hehe
    FAME FOR SALE: 667
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  • my bad habits are<br><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-size:150">-cracking fingers<br>-use to suck thumb, but got over that<br>-crack toes<br>-be on the computer more than i should<br>-procrastinate in school<br>-and... well... i can't think of anymore...</span></span> :D
  • I remembered another XD<br><br>I'm online so much (12-15 hours+ a day) that I'm too used to calling myself Kite. And today in math, the teacher gave us uberly confusing problems to do, and I went "No! Kite says no!" then I was like "...Wait a minute..." lmao XD; Kyle looked at me like "Whaaaa? 0o" XD
    <br>lmao -falls off chair laughing-<br><br>Nail biting is my main one... I also space out in class, and daydream... then I have this habit of high fiving people for no reason at all xD<br><br>I also have a bad habit of being on VP more than I should :P
  • I curse like a pirate lol
  • Nails.. I chew on my lips.. I space out.. Uh..
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">I curse, I crack my knuckles, I play with my rings, I crack my toes, I crack my neck.. xD<br>I also fidget, I either have to stretch or bend my legs because since I'm 5'11, I have long legs and they need to move every 10 seconds -.-, also if I'm at desks with more than one next to each other they have to be aligned right or I freak out, slight OCD :]<br>I drink everything through a straw, and I use hand sanitizer every 10 minutes xD</span></span></span>
  • lmbo. More of a phobia than anything, but Erica's metion of desks brought it to my mind suddenly..<br><br>Balloons. I hate them. I have an urge to pop them. They freak me out. I start shaking and stuffs. xD
  • I'm horrible at spacing out. I do it in the middle of talking sometimes.<br><br>I can't stop playing with my earrings, especially if I'm nervous. I'll take them out and put them back in constantly.<br><br>When I had braces, I used to chew on my nails. I've stopped that, though.<br><br>Everything has to be in its place. Necklace hooks must be in the back. Picture frames must be straight. Tags must be tucked in.<br><br>Everything is counted. Stairs, steps, signs, people, money... you name it, I will count it.<br><br>Books must be in pristine condition. If I see anyone "dog-ear"ing a book, I go in combat mode. Covers have to be on (if there is one), bookmarks must be used and every book must be put away.<br><br>Everything is organized. My locker has my books and my coat in it, nothing more. <br><br>Nothing annoys me more than typos or ppl who tlk lyk dis. Ugh, I get annoyed just thinking about it.<br><br>now, for something NOT obsessive compulsive!<br>I hate surprises. Hate them. So, when I get a new book, I immediately look at the very last page and read it. If it's a series, to Wikipedia I go and read every spoiler you can imagine (I do this mostly with mangas, as Japan is faster with publishing than the English versions. :)). Needless to say, my friends get a little upset at me when I know the end before they do.<br><br>I get my obsessive compulsive side from my mother. She's got it, too, but not near as bad as me.<br><br>There's probably more, but I can't think of anything. Well, one more, but it's a little embarrassing. :oops: ^^
  • I remembered another one... I have an awful habit of snapping my chewing gum xD
  • my middle NAME is bad habits..<br>lets seeee-<br>chew my nails- BADDD<br>bite my hair- BADDD<br>i cant sit still,<br>i am always moving...<br>i space out.. alot<br>i drink too much pop XD<br>..<br>and if i didnt just space out,<br>i could name like 6092859403 more
  • I bite my nails<br>space out<br>and doodle on pretty much every peice of school work(makes my papers easier to find though)
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