For Silver, monday=snow day tuesday=regular day today=snowday<br><br>what's funny is that my school has rotating days(Aday Bday Aday ect) and so far we haven't had any A days this week.
Tons of schools were canceled including in the city next to ours. But NOoo we <span style="font-style:italic">have</span> to have school when everyone else doesnt. *sarcasm* :evil:
<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">Yay.... I live in Virginia and it's 60 degrees outside... :roll:</span></span></span>
We're expecting 6-9 inches throughout the night. So possibly no school tomorrow. <br><br>BUT<br><br>Tomorrow was originally a half day and if we don't have school, we've got to make it up on President's Day, ALL DAY.
Tons of schools were canceled including in the city next to ours. But NOoo we <span style="font-style:italic">have</span> to have school when everyone else doesnt. *sarcasm* :evil:
<br><br>Gosh I know how you feel, we never get a snow day becuase are superatendent doesnt like them ( she even told us that) and so she just wants us to have 2 hour delays if its possible and no snow days.<br><br>Monday- 2 houe delay<br>Tuesday- Didnt snow but we had a bomb threat and had a 2 hour delay becuase of that<br>Wednsday- 2 hour delay<br>Today- Regular<br>Friday- hopefully a snow day