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I think...

edited October 2005 in Game Suggestions
We should let novice players get to run events.Some people have hardly any money so they need money.


  • edited October 2005
  • I vote no.<br><br>Us sponsers <span style="font-weight:bold">pay</span> to have advantages. That's why we're sponsers. Novices are free, so why should they be able to run events? We pay to enjoy the game, and if you desperately need money or want to run events, pay the $20. Don't give me that "I don't have money" or "My parents won't let me buy a sponser". I know <span style="font-style:italic">alot</span> of the Mods have mentioned how to make money, a TON of times.<br><br>I'm %50 sure alot of sponser will agree with me, since we buy sponsers to love the game and have more advantages. Why should novices not pay and get practicly the same advantages? Meh.
    back for a bitt. =D
  • Doggy, when you post your thoughts you have to expect at least a smidgen of negative criticism. I see no "mean" comments just strong opinions, but any thread on this forum has people who express their strong opinions, no matter what the subject.<br><br>I for one, don't think it would be fair to sponsors if novices could run events, it would be one less perk that I paid for. Unless of course novices could only run a certain amount per week or so, like instead of 4 every 24 hours, it would be 10 every 7 days. Or that they would only be able to run the events with the lowest amount of money, or they could be the ones to run the trial events...<br><br>*edit*<br>What a decent tradeoff would be would that they could run events for the smallest amount of money, like we start off being able to only use 1k to make an event, but they also wouldn't get fame points from them.<br><br>I'm probably just talking about of my bum since I'm in some serious need for a good long rest but oh well. All in all, I don't like the idea, but who knows, novices have never been able to run events, it's just the way it is, it's the way Nef wants it so I guess that's the way it's gonna stay.
  • ya know, maybe somthing morelike...... 1 event a week
  • I say keep it as is. Always been one of the major perks of being a sponsor on VHR and VP. Why change it now?
  • I agree with Sable. I like have events as a sponser perk, and I don't think novices should be able to. We payed after all.
  • Unfortuanitly for me.... I have to say I agree, no event making for us novices :cry: But, hey! All the more reason to work harder on getting a sponsor!
  • i definently agree with the sponsors, and even if it does happen, it should be no more than one a week
  • I say no. So, you are saying that even though sponcers are paying to have advantages, novices can get all advantages of sponcers for free??? Or one, but then there will be 2, and 3, and eventualy all
    Dun message me. I quit.

    If you want a full explanation(most should know) message me
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