Congrats Zoe! welcome to the dark side lol<br> <br>I clicked your eggs <br><br>~~ VooDoo<br><br><br>Please click my banner, it will take you too my DragonCave... click my Hatchlings to help them grow up... Thank You!
<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">Woooo my first one started to crack! I think they don't start to crack until they get a few days away...<br><br>Anyways... I went around and clicked everyone's again!</span></span></span>
I went to all the caves and clicked eggs and hatchlings. OH and saw some awesome Adult dragons! Congrats to those with adults Hope all of our hatchlings make it.<br>Question ?... When I try to get another egg, it tells me that I can't have anymore because I have 4 hatchlings... is there a trick/requirement to be able to get another egg?<br><br>Clicky Clicky & thank you!<br><br>~~VooDoo
I think a few people have been having that problem VooDoo and unfortunately I don't know the answer xD I'm happy with one eggy ^.^<br><br>Clickeths are muchly appreciated VV ;D
I'm guess it had something to do with having 4 hatchlings. Once I had only 3 it let me get eggs again. New Eggies need clicks <br>I clicked yours Mossflower & thanks for the click.<br><br>~~VooDoo
DOGS FOR SALE: everything for the right price $$
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Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.