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Eeee!!! said I can get one more more.<br><br>Of course, I want another Corn.<br><br>I answered an ad in Uncle Henry's...<br><br>It actually sounds like this person might be selling a 2 year old (comes with a 20 gal tank) Corn of what may be the color I wanted (or similar to it). 1.5 hour drive there. $75.00. <3 Early birthday present :D<br><br>I'm not positive, cause the person doesn't know anything reguarding Corn color morphs since I asked her what color it is and she said yellow/tan/white XD, but it sounds like this snake could be a Butter or an Amber maybe, again I'm not positive.<br><br>Amber: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Butter: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;


  • I love the butter color.<br><br><br>I wish my parents would let me have a snake but, sadly I have to live without.<br><br><br>And believe me I tryed asking lots :roll:
  • That's awesome Kite ^.^ Sounds like the snake has to be healthy if it's two years old :P <br><br>Both colors are very pretty, so, whichever it turns out to be, it'll be a pretty snake. Though, I don't think you can get an ugly snake...none that I have seen before at least ^.^<br><br>Do you already have a name picked out?
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Congrats! The colors amber and butter or beautiful!
  • Bree - Thanks! ^^<br><br>Nickel - Thanks ^^ I've never seen a ugly snake either <3 No, I don't have a name...they don't know what gender it is. I'll haveta peek when/if we go. :P Hope the snake doesn't mind XP<br><br>Lilly - Me too ^^ Its too bad you can't get a snake ;-;
  • Yay! Lucky!! The guy I'm wanting a snake from still hasn't e-mailed me back. :( He has some gorgeous snows and anery (?) snakes though, I want one SO bad.<br><br>I can't wait to see pictures of the new snake! :D You've got me so into corn snakes. :lol:
  • He'd better email you soon...I know how completely AGONIZING it is to wait for me @_@;<br><br>Songo was a Snow and Mozart was an Anery...they're gorgeous colors <3 I miss those two ;-;<br><br>I'll have a bazillion pictures XD <br><br>YES! HA! HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! I wonder how many more people I can get into Corns... :twisted:
  • sounds like this Corn is eating live mice. They said they'll include a 10 gal for mice. If its eating live, I can't get it, we feed our's frozen/thawed and mom won't let (live) rodents into the house. Often if a snake has been eating live for 2 years, they won't take frozen/thawed.
  • ah, i want a snake. meh dads scared of them though. kinda funny cause he used to work for Terminax and wasnt allowed to kill them, had to capture and release. ^^<br><br>hmm, i like the butter color myself. amber is pretty as well though.<br><br>aww, hope it works out for you though.
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  • I'm not sure what color it is now, they've given me two different answers. :roll: Still haven't replied to my email about feeding.<br><br>I hope you can get a snake someday Cinna, they're great pets ^^
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