Okay...mom said I can get one more snake..one more.<br><br>Of course, I want another Corn.<br><br>I answered an ad in Uncle Henry's...<br><br>It actually sounds like this person might be selling a 2 year old (comes with a 20 gal tank) Corn of what may be the color I wanted (or similar to it). 1.5 hour drive there. $75.00. Early birthday present <br><br>I'm not positive, cause the person doesn't know anything reguarding Corn color morphs since I asked her what color it is and she said yellow/tan/white XD, but it sounds like this snake could be a Butter or an Amber maybe, again I'm not positive.<br><br>Amber: <a href="http://www.cornsnakes.net/gallery.php?catid=2&id=43" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://www.cornsnakes.net/gallery.php?catid=2&id=43</a><br>Butter: <a href="http://www.cornsnakes.net/gallery.php?catid=2&id=50" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://www.cornsnakes.net/gallery.php?catid=2&id=50</a>
I love the butter color.<br><br><br>I wish my parents would let me have a snake but, sadly I have to live without.<br><br><br>And believe me I tryed asking lots :roll:
That's awesome Kite ^.^ Sounds like the snake has to be healthy if it's two years old :P <br><br>Both colors are very pretty, so, whichever it turns out to be, it'll be a pretty snake. Though, I don't think you can get an ugly snake...none that I have seen before at least ^.^<br><br>Do you already have a name picked out?
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
Bree - Thanks! ^^<br><br>Nickel - Thanks ^^ I've never seen a ugly snake either No, I don't have a name...they don't know what gender it is. I'll haveta peek when/if we go. :P Hope the snake doesn't mind XP<br><br>Lilly - Me too ^^ Its too bad you can't get a snake ;-;
Yay! Lucky!! The guy I'm wanting a snake from still hasn't e-mailed me back. He has some gorgeous snows and anery (?) snakes though, I want one SO bad.<br><br>I can't wait to see pictures of the new snake! You've got me so into corn snakes.
He'd better email you soon...I know how completely AGONIZING it is to wait for replies...trust me @_@;<br><br>Songo was a Snow and Mozart was an Anery...they're gorgeous colors I miss those two ;-;<br><br>I'll have a bazillion pictures XD <br><br>YES! HA! HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! I wonder how many more people I can get into Corns... :twisted:
Ugh..it sounds like this Corn is eating live mice. They said they'll include a 10 gal for mice. If its eating live, I can't get it, we feed our's frozen/thawed and mom won't let (live) rodents into the house. Often if a snake has been eating live for 2 years, they won't take frozen/thawed.
ah, i want a snake. meh dads scared of them though. kinda funny cause he used to work for Terminax and wasnt allowed to kill them, had to capture and release. ^^<br><br>hmm, i like the butter color myself. amber is pretty as well though.<br><br>aww, hope it works out for you though.
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I'm not sure what color it is now, they've given me two different answers. :roll: Still haven't replied to my email about feeding.<br><br>I hope you can get a snake someday Cinna, they're great pets ^^