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edited January 2008 in General Discussion
I just had to show off my new babeh!<br><br><br>Lately I've been looking for a bunny. I think it's mostly fueled by Boz's lovely bunnies, or maybe it's 'cause I'm addicted to animals.<br><br>Either way, today I went out to see a litter of Mini Rexes. There's a lady, Donna, who raises a few different rabbit breeds, including Mini Rexes, Flemish Giants, and Lionheads. I think she breeds them and then sells them to a pet store owned by her friends and/or keeps some for breeding. <br><br><br>Anyhow, I looked at the litter of Mini Rexes, and only one was friendly enough for me to hold easily. The others were afraid of me, a shame because the only female she had was the one who tried to bite me. I didn't want a male, but I also didn't want to go home without a bunny, so I chose the friendly male.<br><br>He cost $10, but I saved him from going to a pet store. I say saved because anyone can buy these bunnies.. And lately I've seen a bunch being dumped and re-homed on Petfinder & another site.<br><br><br>She (Donna) went to get some food for me to take, and we sort of followed her. She had a brand new litter of rabbits - born last night! They were so tiny and cute. <3<br><br><br>Anyhow. Mine is so sweet. He hasn't gone to the bathroom on me at all, he waited until I had his cage set up before he went potty. XD<br><br>He's 8 weeks old, so small an' cute. <333 Excuse the quality of the pictures, I had to use my cell phone. Well, my mom used my phone to take the picture of me. <br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>- Me with the lovely little guy. <br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>- Him on my jacket<br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>- Holding him in my hands. Technically I only need one hand to hold him, I was just supporting his butt so he wouldn't fall off.<br><br><br><br>If you want to suggest names for him, feel free to, but I might not choose one from here (so don't be disappointed) :)<br><br><br><br>- Ana
On an indefinite hiatus.


  • AWWW! He's so adorable and tiny!! I love his markings. Eeee!<br><br><br><br>I want a bunny now.. :(
  • Awwww! Congrats, Ana! <3 He's so cute! He makes me wanna get a bunny again...I miss the two I used to of them was a nasty little thing when he grew up, but he was cute none the less ;3 and the nice one died at a young age...something genetic I guess cause his siblings supposedly did at about the same time. Mom hates bunnies >< No more bunnies for me. Failed experiment I guess XD<br><br>Enjoy him! ^^
  • Aww, so precious and beautiful ^.^ Heh, makes them look so innocent ^.^ I have cujo rabbit out in her cage >.<<br><br>Still luffles her... but..not the biting ^^<br><br><br>Best of luck with him :P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Aww he's so cute! :3<br>And tiny! :D
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • 3E, maybe after you move out you could get a bun. I bet Laredo would lick him to death. :P<br><br>Kite, you could always make up for bunnies by more and more snakes. Boas, pythons.. ;3 And thanks. :D I hope he grows up to be a "good" bunny, I'd hate to have another anti-social animal. *stares at hamster*<br><br>Nickel, I hope dearly that mine doesn't bite. That's part of the reason I'm not so into guinea pigs, hamsters, and other rodents - they have large teeth that hurt like fire if they bite you. XD I'll still own 'em, but.. :P Thanks. ^^<br><br>Boz, I know! He's so tiny. <33333!
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • Haha. I've been bitten once by a guinea pig, and multiple times by rabbits. But they're dead now. But I still have my favorite. He's so sweet. He turns one in mid Feb. <3<br><br>If you handle him enough, he shouldn't be anti social. I suppose you shouldn't handle him <span style="font-style:italic">to</span> much either. That's what happened with my dead ones.<br><br>He's adorable though!
  • I got bit by a guinea pig this one time that I was taking him to my brother's classroom (show & tell). That nasty little thing bit me (in a place I won't say XD). I never carried him again. :P<br><br>It might have had something to do with the fact that mine were un-neutered males. I think I had a female guinea pig once, but she was carried away a day or two after we bought her. A hawk came down and took her away when she dug out from underneath her cage. We always cleaned the bottom of the cage with soap/water and would leave them out there to munch on grass while the tray dried.. She was the only one smart enough to find a way out.<br><br><br>
    Dreamland wrote:
    <br><br>If you handle him enough, he shouldn't be anti social. I suppose you shouldn't handle him <span style="font-style:italic">to</span> much either. That's what happened with my dead ones.<br>
    <br><br><br>I've had him out a lot. I'm letting him hop on my floor a bit and I've been holding him in my lap while I'm on the computer.<br><br>I won't be able to let him do that too much, since I also let my ferrets out for 1 1/2 hours a day as well. (And my male attacked the bunny, I was holding the ferret, so all he did was pull a chunk of fur out.)<br><br>I can't believe how easily bunnies get frightened.. I mean, I expected them to be a bit skittish, but they're worse than most animals I've owned. I hope he'll get better with it, 'cause I have an air mattress and he cowers in a tube when I inflate it. (While my ferrets sleep.. XD)<br><br>I guess it doesn't help that all of these animals in the house keep treating him like prey and attacking him. Heh.
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • Aw.<br><br>Well, you haven't had him long. Andi was in a fairly decent sized cage for his size for his firts 7 months. But then my two younger males got aggressive towards everyone and everything, and were escaping from their cages. So we moved them. Andi was to big to live with the guinea pigs so he was stuck in a small cage. But he gets out in a big hutch my dad's friend gave us when the weather is good. I don't like him there though. Someone cuts my mom's friend's rabbits' throats. I don't want Andi to have that fate. I guess I'm just paranoid.
  • Lol, this is the only rabbit I have come across that bites, and also the only female >.< Supposedly they have bad tempers if you don't breed them.<br><br>My male on the other hand, is a love-bug ^^ Im sure yours will be too. For how cute he is, I couldn't imagine him being anything else ^.-<br><br>Have you found a name yet?
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Now that's an adorable little bunny! :D I love mini Rexes. Hopefully one day I can have one if we ever get our own place. Their fur is sooo soft. A friend of mine from college raises minis and shows them also.
  • Dreamy, yeah. I hope the ferrets or cats will eventually tolerate/play with him. Guess I'll just have to see.<br><br>That sucks about your mom's friend's rabbits. :( My mom grew up with her own little herd of rabbits, and then an Oriental man [their neighbor] came in the yard and took them away to eat. They could see the bodies hanging in his yard.. Other rabbits that escaped were hit by cars on the nearby road.. So none of her rabbits really had a good death. <br><br><br>Nickel, I've been thinking about naming him Ace, but I'm not sure if it suits him. :P I always joked that if I ever got a bunny, it'd be named Roadkill.. And I can't do that to him, he's just too cute to be mean like that. XD<br><br><br>Fiona, yeah. o.o I didn't know Mini Rexes had such soft fur.. I actually didn't know much about any rabbit breed. I just figured I'd find a rabbit, whatever breed, any size, any color. Hah. :3 I'm glad I picked a Mini Rex, their fur feels so plushy, almost like it's fake. Obviously not, but.. ;3<br><br>That'd be nice to have a friend who breeds/shows them. ^^ Are you going to get one from your friend when you get your own place?
    On an indefinite hiatus.
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