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My Grandparents...

They're having my parents restrict me from to computer for about two whole weeks..<br><br>It's a loooooong time.<br><br>I'll miss you guys... While...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>I'm in Disney World! Yup. My grandparents are helping us pay to go there!<br><br>No clue when. Bell isn't coming either. ;_;<br><br>But.. I'm going for the first time EVER! YAY!


  • Hope you have fun.<br><br>I remeber going to Disneyland for the first time.<br><br>Try to have a good time without VP XD
  • XP I might be able to sneak on.. If I can get internet on my laptop. It all depends. ^^ :3
  • Have fun! I've never been there...when I say that at school, I get strange looks. Cause everyone at school's rich and we're like...not XD We could never afford to fly anywhere, much less get into Disney.
  • -pops in-<br><br><br>I love Disney!<br><br><br>I have like a ton of masks and other random stuff from the first time I went. It is amazing, you'll have the best time. ^^
  • I had the huge piggy bank. It held apple juice and it was like, shaped like a pig, it held about two galons or so. My parents told me that when we had it all filled up, we would go to Disney Land.<br><br>2 years later, it was filled<br>No Disney Land :( <br><br>I was four and I didn't take things like that too well "D
    I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
  • Have fun, just don't eat the chili dogs!<br><br>I went for the 1st time in 5th grade and remember getting food poisoning from a chili dog.-_- I was sick the rest of the trip, and we were suppose to go to six flags the day after we went to Disneyland, but that didn't happen sence I was sick the next day.<br><br>Pre-food poisoning was really fun though =3
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