Yup yup. were getting a new German Shepherd Imported from Germany next week o: (currently have five GSDs, 3 female 2 male)<br><br>She has extremely good working lines, in the force and showing in protection. Were going to go see her and pick her up on Friday. I can't wait. I promise to get pictures.<br><br>She's a Silver Sable, Her father is Dusty(one of my current GSD broods(and my favorite out of them all<3) ) s great grand father. Which, and we have seen him work in the French ring. A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!<br><br>She's 6 Months old, gah I can't wait to see her<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dogs That We own so Far</span>-(Not including our random Pit Bull Buddy
)<br><br>What's its name? Dusty(Dusty the Wizard)<br>What breed is it? German Shepherd Dog <br>What color is it? Liver Sable <br>Is it male or female nuetered or spayed? No(Female) <br>How old is it? Four(all most)<br>Is it purebred? Yes <br>Do you show it? Yes <br>Does it specialize in anything? Protection/Agillity <br>Where did you get it? East Germany<br>Show us a picture! <br><img src="
http://i14.tinypic.com/823hf5u.jpg" alt="
http://i14.tinypic.com/823hf5u.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>What's its name? Lynk(Gages Missing Lynk)<br>What breed is it? German Shepherd Dog <br>What color is it? Red Sable <br>Is it male or female nuetered or spayed? No(Male) <br>How old is it? Three<br>Is it purebred? Yes<br>Do you show it? Yes <br>Does it specialize in anything? Protection/Agillity <br>Where did you get it? East Germany<br>Show us a picture! <br>Will update with One<br><br>What's its name? Nala(show name to come)<br>What breed is it? German Shepherd Dog <br>What color is it? Red Sable<br>Is it male or female nuetered or spayed? No(Female)<br>How old is it? Five Months<br>Is it purebred? Yes <br>Do you show it? Not Yet, training for Protection/Agillity <br>Does it specialize in anything? In Training <br>Where did you get it? Bred Here from our Two Germans, yes we breed :}<br>Show us a picture!<br><img src="
http://i17.tinypic.com/8gdws8x.jpg" alt="
http://i17.tinypic.com/8gdws8x.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>What's its name? Little Bear(Little Bear the Gentle Giant)<br>What breed is it? German Shepherd Dog<br>What color is it? Silver Sable <br>Is it male or female nuetered or spayed? No(Male) <br>How old is it? Five Months<br>Is it purebred? Yes<br>Do you show it? Not Yet, in training for Protection/Search and Rescue/ Agillity <br>Does it specialize in anything? In Training <br>Where did you get it? Bred in here<br>Show us a picture!<br><img src="
http://i7.tinypic.com/71ebrzp.jpg" alt="
http://i7.tinypic.com/71ebrzp.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>What's its name? Tia(show name to come)<br>What breed is it? German Shepherd Dog <br>What color is it? Black and Tan<br>Is it male or female nuetered or spayed? No(Female <br>How old is it? Five Months<br>Is it purebred? Yes<br>Do you show it? In Training for Protection/Agillity <br>Does it specialize in anything? In Training <br>Where did you get it? Bred Here.<br>Show us a picture!<br><img src="
http://i5.tinypic.com/81io2g5.jpg" alt="
http://i5.tinypic.com/81io2g5.jpg" class="bb-image" />