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Taking off the inbreedingm laws

In VHR you are allowed to inbreed as seen fit. Which is good if you have an unusual breed and the other horses are not trained or not up to standards.<br><br>I think the same here. I am working on one of the rarest breeds in the name, the french Beauceron.<br><br>as well as improving the general stats of wolf hybrids. Other dogs that I have looked at won't be up to the standards of my dogs.


  • I like the inbreeding rules, I hope they stay. There are so many import dogs and folks with imports around if you need new blood you can always just import or buy an import from someone else.<br><br>Definetly think the inbreeding rule should stay. It'd be nice to have it on VHR as well.
  • Yes, in RL inbreeding can cause sickness, lack of new blood, and even extinction of the breed (all same blood). I like it the way it is
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • I don't think you get the person's point though it is rather simple.<br><br>She/he is working on a particular dog breed and the rest of the animals for stud/sale are worthless to her/his breeding program.<br><br><br>Example: I am working for 4 star endurance on my Huskies. Most Huskies do not have 4 star endurance therefore I am stuck with one or two four star dogs and maybe a ton of worthless trash.<br><br>Therfore, I say yes. Inbreeding in VHR in rl would cause problems you see no one whining there because they understand the reason to inbreed.<br><br>All the more with dogs that you can't cross breed.<br><br>Simple :lol:
  • yes, but it can make people really upset, b/c they see it as a form of abuse
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • Sometimes you have to go back a step in stats to add fresh blood, it's just one of the challenges of breeding.<br><br>I understand what this person is saying but they're being lazy.<br><br>I'm one of the only people who breeds Dingos(at least up to my standards) and unfortunetly my dogs were getting all too closely related so I had to add in some new foundation blood even though it reduced stats for a generation or two and use other people's studs even though they weren't as highly trained as my own. It's one of the challenges of raising a less popular breed. <br><br>So suck it up and deal or breed border collies or labs or something else there is million maxed studs of.
  • I fully agree with SableAntelope :)
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • :? :? ~shakes head~ the person is not being lazy. If they have limited money and are trying to improve a rare breed, hence can not use every stud out there to widen blood lines etc, then what do they do. <br><br>Hand out rubbish like the rest who waste their money?
  • After all it is a game............Maybe there should be a choice if you want to inbreed your dog. And if choosen, the pups would be more prone to disease, if diseases were introduced on here.<br><br>Anyway the inbreeding thing does not work all the time. I forgot once that my female wasthe daughter of the stud I chose for her, and she still had pups. they had shocking stats mind you.
  • After all it is a game............Maybe there should be a choice if you want to inbreed your dog. And if choosen, the pups would be more prone to disease, if diseases were introduced on here.<br><br>Anyway the inbreeding thing does not work all the time. I forgot once that my female wasthe daughter of the stud I chose for her, and she still had pups. they had shocking stats mind you.
    <br><br><br>Perfect idea.
  • I understand why Werewolf wants inbreeding to be allowed on the game, but I don't support it. In RL inbreeding can make the puppies have physical deformities, temperament problems, and make them more prone to disease, and more likely to end up with aggression or timid disorders.<br><br>And even though this is just a game, I'd prefer to keep it as reasonably realistic as possible.
  • well, trying to populate a rare breed can't be done that way. If there is lack of new blood, like there would be if a person was inbreeding and selling, its not populating the breed. <br><br>Take a challenge. Its no fun just having two well stated dogs, breed them, breed, then breed pups to moms. It would be lazy. <br><br><br>But i would exept if the pups would be born as carriers, and other stuff you really don't want to happen, like in RL
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
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