my parents didnt full wrap one present and it had a tag that said what it was so i looked and chair<br><br><br>moms parents and family:<br>Purse<br>The screenplay for seabiscuit (almost cried when i got it)<br>book marks<br>watch with changeable bands<br>clothes<br>2 hats<br>wristes (fingerless glove like things)<br>and an omament<br><br>Dads Parents and Family:<br>Clothes<br>Headband Hat (hate those things)<br>Scarf<br>Gloves(hate gloves)<br>books<br>weird games<br>something i hate and refuse to talk about with anyone<br>School spirit wear <br>ipod case<br>itunes card<br>other things i cant remember<br><br>parents:<br>chair <br>Monk Shirt<br>Slippers<br>Ipod Headphones<br>Itunes Card<br>tablet (next thing to get set up)<br>bunch of like makeup<br>lightining earrings (school team lightninig)
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09